Data from a cross-sectional study of fifth grade children in a sample of primary schools in Belgium that differ in amount of greenness at school and landscape level

  • Hans Van Calster (Contributor)
  • Els Lommelen (Contributor)
  • Antoine Groslambert (Creator)
  • Anna Leonard (Creator)
  • Linda Vanmeersche (Creator)
  • Harmony Brulein (Contributor)
  • Sophie O. Vanwambeke (Contributor)
  • Raf Aerts (Creator)
  • Eva M. De Clercq (Contributor)
  • Rafiqa Benchrih (Contributor)
  • Ozen Melike (Contributor)
  • Raïsa Carmen (Contributor)
  • Liesa Lammens (Contributor)
  • Michael Leone (Contributor)
  • Saskia Wanner (Contributor)
  • Sarah Lebeer (Creator)
  • Marie Legein (Contributor)
  • Wenke Smets (Contributor)
  • Irina Spacova (Creator)
  • Hans Keune (Contributor)



The data in this deposit were collected as part of the B@SEBALL project (Biodiversity at School Environments - Benefits for All). The project investigated how biodiversity in the school environment can positively affect children’s health and mental well-being. B@SEBALL also investigated the opportunities for reducing health inequalities among children via biodiversity at school environments. The data are organized according to the Frictionless Data Package standard. All child-level and school-level data have been anonymized. Each data package is a collection of csv files and a json file. The json file holds descriptive information for all variables in all csv files. The zip file contains two frictionless data packages. The data packages contain information on 37 primary schools and 513 children. The data package, data_package_an_zenodo_cleaned_data, contains the original data in a tidied and cleaned format. It consists of 46 csv files. The files relate to the following contents: contents filename metadata file datapackage.json landscape level variables wp1_landscape_level_data.csv metadata about participants wp2_participants_metadata.csv general school level data wp2_school_data.csv pollution data at school level wp3_ua_sirm_data.csv classroom data about air quality wp3_ucl_classroom_airquality.csv area of ecotopes in the school environment wp3_ucl_ecotope_categories.csv greenness indicators for the school environment derived from ecotopes wp3_ucl_greenness_indicators.csv greenness indicators for the school environment derived from ecotopes wp3_ucl_greenness_key.csv greenness indicators for the school environment derived from ecotopes wp3_ucl_greenpatches.csv playground biodiversity indicators wp3_ucl_playground_biodiversity.csv d2-test of attention data wp4_d2_data_by_child.csv d2-test of attention data wp4_d2_data_by_line.csv d2-test of attention data wp4_d2_data_by_linegroup.csv Self-reported allergy data wp4_isaac_data.csv Self-reported allergy data wp4_isaac_questions.csv Self-reported well-being data wp4_kidscreen_data.csv Self-reported well-being data wp4_kidscreen_questions.csv Self-reported attitude toward outdoor play wp5_atop_data.csv Self-reported attitude toward outdoor play wp5_atop_questions.csv Guardian-reported general questions wp5_guardians_general_questions_data.csv Guardian-reported general questions wp5_guardians_general_questions_key.csv Guardian-reported protection from risk wp5_guardians_risk_protection_data_part1.csv Guardian-reported protection from risk wp5_guardians_risk_protection_data_part2.csv Guardian-reported protection from risk wp5_guardians_risk_protection_key.csv Self-reported nature connectedness wp5_nc_data.csv Self-reported nature connectedness wp5_nc_key.csv Parent-reported allergy data wp5_parents_allergy_related_questions_data.csv Parent-reported allergy data wp5_parents_allergy_related_questions_key.csv Parent-reported cultural background wp5_parents_cultural_background_data.csv Parent-reported cultural background wp5_parents_cultural_background_key.csv Parent-reported general questions wp5_parents_general_questions_data.csv Parent-reported general questions wp5_parents_general_questions_key.csv Parent-reported independent mobility data wp5_parents_independent_mobility_data.csv Parent-reported independent mobility data wp5_parents_independent_mobility_key.csv Parent-reported living environment wp5_parents_living_environment_data.csv Parent-reported living environment wp5_parents_living_environment_key.csv Parent-reported outdoor play characteristics wp5_parents_outdoor_play_data_part1.csv Parent-reported outdoor play characteristics wp5_parents_outdoor_play_data_part2.csv Parent-reported outdoor play characteristics wp5_parents_outdoor_play_data_part3.csv Parent-reported outdoor play characteristics wp5_parents_outdoor_play_data_part4.csv Parent-reported outdoor play characteristics wp5_parents_outdoor_play_key.csv Parent-reported risk protection data wp5_parents_risk_protection_data_part1.csv Parent-reported risk protection data wp5_parents_risk_protection_data_part2.csv Parent-reported risk protection data wp5_parents_risk_protection_key.csv Parent-reported data relating to socio-economic status wp5_parents_ses_questions_data.csv Parent-reported data relating to socio-economic status wp5_parents_ses_questions_key.csv The data_package_an_zenodo_derived_data data package, contains derived data that was calculated based on input from data_package_an_zenodo_cleaned_data at either child-level or at school-level. contents filename metadata file datapackage.json derived data at child level wp1_child_level_key_variables.csv derived attention score based on d2-test data, aggregated to line-level wp1_d2_by_line_attention_score.csv derived data at school level wp1_school_level_key_variables.csv These data packages only store information for participants that gave consent for a particular part of the study and that gave consent for long-term storage of the data. There may therefore be slight differences between results published as part of the project consortium, which could make use of participant data that did not give consent for long-term data storage, and reproduction of these results based on the data in this data repository. We also note that the derived variables in the derived data package were calculated with these participants included and removal of participants for which we had no long-term storage consent was done after these calculations. As part of the project, microbiome data were also collected (both from cheek swabs on the children and from environmental samples), but this part of the data are not a part of this deposit and will be deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA).
Date made available5-Feb-2024
PublisherInstituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek

Thematic List 2020

  • Data & infrastructure
  • Nature & society

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