DVW - priority species list of the Flemish Waterways Authority



The “DVW - priority species list of the Flemish Waterways Authority” is a species checklist published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). This checklist covers invasive alien plant species that are of interest for the Flemish Waterways Authority and contains species present or not yet present (alert species) within their operating region. Here it is published as a standardized Darwin Core Archive and includes for each species: the scientific name, kingdom and taxon rank. The dataset can be used for researching and managing alien plants or compiling regional and national registries of alien species. Issues with the dataset can be reported at https://github.com/inbo/dvw-target-list

We have released this dataset to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver. We would appreciate it if you follow the GBIF citation guidelines (https://www.gbif.org/citation-guidelines) when using the data. If you have any questions regarding this dataset, don’t hesitate to contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata.

This dataset was published as open data for the LIFE RIPARIAS project (Reaching Integrated and Prompt Action in Response to Invasive Alien Species, https://www.riparias.be/), with technical support provided by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO).
Date made available20-Dec-2023
Temporal coverage1-Jul-2021 - 1-Jul-2024
Date of data production20-Dec-2023
Geographical coverageFlanders

Thematic List 2020

  • Invasive species

Taxonomic list

  • plants (Plantae)

Geographic list

  • Flanders

Free keywords

  • checklist
  • early warning
  • Flemish Waterways Authority

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