Records of saproxylic beetles collected through citizen science campaign - Jeste li ih vidjeli?

  • Luka Katušić (Creator)
  • Dimitri Brosens (Creator)
  • Luka Katušić (Contributor)
  • Luka Katušić (Contributor)
  • Luka Katušić (Contributor)



The dataset represent records of saproxylic beetles collected through citizen science campaign "Jeste li ih vidjeli?" ("Did you see them?"), organized by the Institute for Environment and Nature, Croatia. This campaign is ongoing since 2015. The saproxylic beetle records are reported by public through specific on-line form or by email. Each record should have an accompanying photograph, based on which record is validated by experts in the IEN.
Date made available28-Mar-2024
Temporal coverage15-Jan-2015 - 15-Dec-2020
Geographical coverageRepublic of Croatia
Geospatial polygon42.766, 19.394, 46.513, 13.513

Thematic List 2020

  • Data & infrastructure

Taxonomic list

  • beetles (Coleoptera)

Free keywords

  • insect
  • citizen science
  • Occurrence
  • Croatia
  • saproxylic beetles

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