Vertical and horizontal environmental DNA (eDNA) patterns of fish in a shallow and well-mixed North Sea area

  • Nergiz Dukan (Creator)
  • Isolde Cornelis (Creator)
  • Dimitri Brosens (Creator)
  • Sofie Derycke (Creator)



This dataset contains eDNA metabarcoding data of fish species detected in 17 locations in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS). The seawater samples were collected during a field campaigns in 2022. The fish species were identified using 12S eDNA metabarcoding. The dataset includes amplicon sequence variants and their associated metadata. [This dataset was processed using the GBIF eDNA converter tool.]
Date made available28-Mar-2024
Temporal coverage28-Sept-2022 - 7-Oct-2022
Geographical coverageBelgian part of the North Sea
Geospatial polygon51.156, 2.451,51.738, 3.214

Thematic List 2020

  • Data & infrastructure
  • Flora & fauna

Taxonomic list

  • fishes (Pisces)
  • higher plants (Plantae)

Geographic list

  • North Sea (Belgian part)


  • genetic technologies
  • identification

Free keywords

  • North Sea
  • eDNA
  • Occurrence
  • 12S eDNA metabarcoding
  • fish
  • amplicon sequencing
  • GBIF eDNA converter tool

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