Projects per year
Organisation profile
Organisation profile
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Sheep grazing between nature and agriculture, towards a profitable and circular business model
Dumortier, M. (Project leader), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Mortelmans, D. (Cooperator), Sannen, K. (Cooperator) & Van Uytvanck, J. (Cooperator)
1/03/24 → 1/10/24
Project: Evinbo
Flanders Ecosystem Accounting (FLEA)
Van Reeth, W. (Project leader), Adriaens, T. (Cooperator), Alaerts, K. (Cooperator), Courtens, W. (Cooperator), D'hondt, B. (Cooperator), De Keersmaeker, L. (Cooperator), De Saeger, S. (Cooperator), De Vos, B. (Cooperator), Dochy, O. (Cooperator), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Heremans, S. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Lettens, S. (Cooperator), Leyman, A. (Cooperator), Leyssen, A. (Cooperator), Maebe, K. (Cooperator), Michels, H. (Cooperator), Onkelinx, T. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator), Packet, J. (Cooperator), Petersen, F. (Cooperator), Peymen, J. (Cooperator), Provoost, S. (Cooperator), Spanhove, T. (Cooperator), Stevens, M. (Cooperator), Thomaes, A. (Cooperator), Van Calster, H. (Cooperator), Van Gossum, P. (Cooperator), Van Landuyt, W. (Cooperator), Vandekerkhove, K. (Cooperator), Vanden Borre, J. (Cooperator), Vandevoorde, B. (Cooperator), Vanhellemont, M. (Cooperator), Vught, I. (Cooperator) & Wils, C. (Cooperator)
23/11/23 → 20/07/26
Project: own initiative (position paper)
Plant-sand interactions in coastal dunes for the design of nature-based solutions
Van Uytvanck, J. (Project leader), Paredis, R. (Cooperator) & Provoost, S. (Cooperator)
1/11/23 → 31/10/27
Project: PhD
Research output
Active afforestation of drained peatlands is not a viable option under the EU Nature Restoration Law
Jurasinski, G., Barthelmes, A., Byrne, K. A., Chojnicki, B. H., Christiansen, J. R., Decleer, K., Fritz, C., Günther, A. B., Huth, V., Joosten, H., Juszczak, R., Juutinen, S., Kasimir, Å., Klemedtsson, L., Koebsch, F., Kotowski, W., Kull, A., Lamentowicz, M., Lindgren, A. & Lindsay, R. & 18 others, , 2-May-2024, In: Ambio.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open Access -
Addendum bij het advies over een schapenstal in Averbode Bos en Heide
Van Uytvanck, J. (Main author), 7-Jun-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4864)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile -
Advies over de aanwezigheid van broedvogels n.a.v. oeverherstel langs de IJzer stroomopwaarts de Hoogbrug in Diksmuide
Devos, K. (Main author) & Van Kerckvoorde, A., 3-May-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4851)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile
Kaarten Gobelin - Groenblauwe netwerken in Vlaanderen
Stevens, M. (Creator), Smets, J. (Creator), Turkelboom, F. (Project Member), Alaerts, K. (Creator), De Blust, G. (Project Member) & Verheyden, W. (Project Member), Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7019738,
Invasive species - Invasive plants near waterways in West and East Flanders, Belgium
Vanderhaeghe, F. (Creator), Van Kerckvoorde, A. (Creator), Van de Meutter, F. (Creator), Raman, M. (Creator) & Brosens, D. (Contributor), 4-Apr-2019
DOI: 10.15468/lgu26x,
InboVeg - Amphibious vegetation of shallow lakes at Turnhout
Vanderhaeghe, F. (Creator), De Blust, G. (Creator) & Brosens, D. (Other), 2017
DOI: 10.15468/xkuvwe,
Klimaatslim beheer van beekdalsystemen
Thoonen, M. (Invited speaker)
24-Jun-2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
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Climate change adaptation and microclimates in lowland heaths: a heavily urbanized region as example
Thoonen, M. (Invited speaker)
12-Sept-2024Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
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eLTER SPF time series analysis workshop
Thoonen, M. (Participant)
24-Jan-2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting