Projects per year
- 100 - 150 out of 645 results
Search results
Genetic rescue of the grayling (Hipparchia semele) based on genetic monitoring
Maes, D. (Project leader), T'Jollyn, F. (Cooperator), Vanden Broeck, A. (Cooperator) & Verschaeve, L. (Cooperator)
2/01/23 → 31/05/27
Project: coöperation agreement
LIFE B4B - Nature inclusive agriculture
Dumortier, M. (Project leader), Lauwers, L. (Cooperator), Turkelboom, F. (Cooperator), Van Donink, S. (Cooperator) & Vercruysse, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/31
Project: Evinbo
How do juvenile herring gulls stop and change behaviour in the wild. A novel eco-deco approach
Stienen, E. (Project leader)
1/01/23 → 1/01/27
Project: PhD
De Saeger, S. (Project leader), Decleer, K. (Cooperator), Demolder, H. (Cooperator), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Pollet, M. (Cooperator), Spanhove, T. (Cooperator) & Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/31
Project: Evinbo
STRAITS - Strategic Infrastructure for improved animal Tracking in European Seas
Huybrechts, P. (Project leader) & Desmet, P. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Evinbo
DTO-BioFlow - Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean
Verhelst, P. (Project leader), Desmet, P. (Cooperator), Milotic, T. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator) & Stienen, E. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/27
Project: Evinbo
Van Wichelen, J. (Project leader), Decleer, K. (Cooperator), Demolder, H. (Cooperator), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Pollet, M. (Cooperator) & Spanhove, T. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/31
Project: Evinbo
Steunpunt Omgeving en Gezondheid - Flemish youth survey (EVINBO)
Noël, C. (Project leader), Puttemans, K. (Cooperator) & Simoens, I. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/27
Project: Evinbo
HABKWAP - Habitat preference corn crake and spotted crake
Spanoghe, G. (Project leader), Devos, K. (Cooperator), Janssens, K. (Cooperator), Stienen, E. (Cooperator), Thibau, K. (Cooperator) & Verstraete, H. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
LIFE B4B 'Belgium for Biodiversity'
Spanhove, T. (Project leader), Adriaenssens, V. (Cooperator), Courtens, W. (Cooperator), Decleer, K. (Cooperator), Demolder, H. (Cooperator), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Pollet, M. (Cooperator), Speybroeck, J. (Cooperator), Stienen, E. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator) & Verstraete, H. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/31
Project: Evinbo
FOURCAST - FOrest cold and URban heat island effects on Climate Adaptation of biodiversity at different Spatial and Temporal scales
De Vos, B. (Project leader), De Keersmaeker, L. (Cooperator), Esprit, M. (Cooperator), Goessens, S. (Cooperator), Hendrickx, S. (Cooperator), Lambrechts, S. (Cooperator), Thomaes, A. (Cooperator), Van de Kerckhove, P. (Cooperator), Vandekerkhove, K. (Cooperator) & Vangansbeke, P. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Evinbo
Speybroeck, J. (Project leader), Auwerx, J. (Cooperator), Picavet, B. (Cooperator), Van Eenaeme, D. (Cooperator) & van Doorn, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/31
Project: Evinbo
Alternet Alumni for Capacity Building
Desair, J. (Project leader), Heck, A. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Turkelboom, F. (Cooperator), Van Donink, S. (Cooperator) & Vercruysse, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: own initiative (position paper)
BirdWatch - A satellite-based service for the mapping of habitat suitability for farmland birds and the spatial and socio-economic optimisation of greening measures in agricultural areas
De Bruyn, L. (Project leader)
1/01/23 → 31/01/26
Project: Evinbo
Climate and connectivity models to improve marl quarries as bat hibernacula
De Bruyn, L. (Project leader), Gyselings, R. (Cooperator) & Manzanares, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
The effects of predation on ground-nestings farmland and meadow birds and how to mitigate possible negative effects
Rutten, A. (Project leader), Adriaens, T. (Cooperator), Casaer, J. (Cooperator), D'hondt, B. (Cooperator), Devos, K. (Cooperator), Huysentruyt, F. (Cooperator), Scheppers, T. (Cooperator), Spanoghe, G. (Cooperator), Stienen, E. (Cooperator) & Van Den Berge, K. (Cooperator)
15/12/22 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Promotorship PhD Jolien van Malderen: From the cradle to the grave – the urban environment impinges on developmental programming and acts as selective agent
Stienen, E. (Project leader)
1/12/22 → 31/12/27
Project: PhD
Ecohydrological characterisation of the Mombeek valley and its springs
De Becker, P. (Project leader), Adriaens, D. (Cooperator), De Dobbelaer, T. (Cooperator), Depaepe, W. (Cooperator), Erens, R. (Cooperator), Guelinckx, R. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator) & Simoens, N. (Cooperator)
17/11/22 → 17/11/25
Project: Evinbo
The ForestWard Observatory to Secure Resilience of European Forests
De Vos, B. (Project leader), Cools, N. (Cooperator) & Deroo, H. (Cooperator)
1/11/22 → 31/10/26
Project: Evinbo
Joint effects of CLimate Extremes and Atmospheric depositioN on European FORESTs
Verstraeten, A. (Project leader)
28/10/22 → 27/10/26
Project: Evinbo
Wood edge plan
Desair, J. (Project leader), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Sonneville, A. (Cooperator) & Turkelboom, F. (Cooperator)
24/10/22 → 31/12/26
Project: Legally bound
Groundwater monitoring network
De Becker, P. (Project leader), Daems, J. (Cooperator), Simoens, N. (Cooperator), Van Gompel, W. (Cooperator) & Wackenier, M. (Cooperator)
15/10/22 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
ENV/2022/OP/0002 Technical and scientific support in relation to the implementation of Regulation 1143/2014 on invasive alien species
Adriaens, T. (Project leader), D'hondt, B. (Cooperator), Strubbe, D. (Cooperator) & Verreycken, H. (Cooperator)
15/10/22 → 10/11/25
Project: Evinbo
Wildlife Detection System N76
Rutten, A. (Project leader), Casaer, J. (Cooperator), Gouwy, J. (Cooperator), Pallemaerts, L. (Cooperator) & Van Den Berge, K. (Cooperator)
1/10/22 → 1/10/25
Project: Evinbo
A though nut to crack? Natural dynamics of antagonist communities affecting fitness of a nut tree pest insect in food forests
Dumortier, M. (Project leader) & Pollet, M. (Cooperator)
1/10/22 → 30/09/26
Project: PhD
Peatland characterisation and evaluation
Wouters, J. (Project leader), Adriaens, D. (Cooperator), De Schrijver, J. (Cooperator), Depaepe, W. (Cooperator) & Hermans, Z. (Cooperator)
1/09/22 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Lettens, S. (Project leader), Callebaut, J. (Cooperator), De Dobbelaer, T. (Cooperator), De Schrijver, J. (Cooperator), Desair, J. (Cooperator), Leone, M. (Cooperator), Mortelmans, D. (Cooperator), Puttemans, K. (Cooperator), Raman, M. (Cooperator) & Turkelboom, F. (Cooperator)
1/09/22 → 1/09/26
Project: Evinbo
Cools, N. (Project leader), De Vos, B. (Cooperator) & Deroo, H. (Cooperator)
1/09/22 → 31/08/26
Project: Evinbo
Desair, J. (Project leader), Adriaenssens, V. (Cooperator), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator) & Turkelboom, F. (Cooperator)
1/07/22 → 30/06/27
Project: Evinbo
Ecohydrological study for the PAS custom area 'Turnhouts Vennengebied' (EVINBO)
Wouters, J. (Project leader), Adriaens, D. (Cooperator), De Becker, P. (Cooperator), Dermout, W. (Cooperator), Herr, C. (Cooperator), Lo Bue, L. (Cooperator), Packet, J. (Cooperator), Scheers, K. (Cooperator), Smeekens, V. (Cooperator) & Van Daele, T. (Cooperator)
1/07/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo
INFORMA - science-based integrated forest mitigation management made operational for Europe
Vandekerkhove, K. (Project leader), Cools, N. (Cooperator), De Keersmaeker, L. (Cooperator), De Vos, B. (Cooperator), De Win, Y. (Cooperator), Esprit, M. (Cooperator), Goessens, S. (Cooperator), Lettens, S. (Cooperator), Leyman, A. (Cooperator) & Van de Kerckhove, P. (Cooperator)
1/06/22 → 1/06/26
Project: Evinbo
Ecotoxicological study of fishes from Kallemoeie
Desender, M. (Project leader), De Bruyn, A. (Cooperator), Dens, F. (Cooperator), Dewit, M. (Cooperator), Galle, L. (Cooperator), Geeraerts, C. (Cooperator), Lambeens, I. (Cooperator), Maes, Y. (Cooperator), Terrie, T. (Cooperator) & Teunen, L. (Cooperator)
23/05/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Outline agreement
SPRING (Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG)
Pollet, M. (Project leader), Berlengee, F. (Cooperator), Brosens, D. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Jocqué, M. (Cooperator), Maebe, K. (Cooperator), Milotic, T. (Cooperator), Neukermans, A. (Cooperator), Reyserhove, L. (Cooperator), Schamp, K. (Cooperator), Van de Meutter, F. (Cooperator) & Vanden Houten, J. (Cooperator)
29/04/22 → 31/05/25
Project: Evinbo
Habitat use of Twaite Shad (Alosa fallax) in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Verhelst, P. (Project leader), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Plaetinck, S. (Cooperator) & Rosseel, D. (Cooperator)
20/04/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo
Van Wambeke, E. (Project leader), Callebaut, J. (Cooperator), Desair, J. (Cooperator), Heck, A. (Cooperator) & Jacobs, S. (Cooperator)
15/04/22 → 1/05/25
Project: own initiative (position paper)
Deepening of the Europaterminal: monitoring for potential impacts (EVINBO)
Vandevoorde, B. (Project leader), Bezdenjesnji, O. (Cooperator), Buerms, D. (Cooperator), De Regge, N. (Cooperator), Hessel, K. (Cooperator), Janssens, K. (Cooperator), Jocqué, M. (Cooperator), Lefranc, C. (Cooperator), Mertens, W. (Cooperator), Smeekens, V. (Cooperator), Soors, J. (Cooperator), Thibau, K. (Cooperator), Van Braeckel, A. (Cooperator), Van Lierop, F. (Cooperator), Van Ryckegem, G. (Cooperator), Van de Meutter, F. (Cooperator), Van den Bergh, E. (Cooperator) & Vanoverbeke, J. (Cooperator)
14/04/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo
Habitat use and site fidelity of curlew
Spanoghe, G. (Project leader), Janssens, K. (Cooperator), Stienen, E. (Cooperator), Van De Walle, M. (Cooperator) & Verstraete, H. (Cooperator)
1/04/22 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Machine learning digitization of historical land use
De Keersmaeker, L. (Project leader), Onkelinx, T. (Cooperator) & Wils, C. (Cooperator)
1/04/22 → 31/12/25
Project: own initiative (position paper)
Stienen, E. (Project leader), Courtens, W. (Cooperator), Van De Walle, M. (Cooperator), Vanermen, N. (Cooperator) & Verstraete, H. (Cooperator)
1/04/22 → 1/04/31
Project: coöperation agreement
Trade-offs and synergies in multifunctional landscapes
Turkelboom, F. (Project leader), Desair, J. (Cooperator), Heck, A. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Noël, C. (Cooperator) & Vercruysse, L. (Cooperator)
23/03/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo
Monitoring mobile dune restoration in Westhoek and Ter Yde dune reserves
Provoost, S. (Project leader), Jansen, J. (Cooperator) & Paredis, R. (Cooperator)
1/03/22 → 27/02/26
Project: Evinbo
Raman, M. (Project leader), Adriaenssens, V. (Cooperator), De Dobbelaer, T. (Cooperator), Decleer, K. (Cooperator), Lettens, S. (Cooperator) & Simoens, N. (Cooperator)
1/03/22 → 1/03/27
Project: Evinbo
Research on rat control (brown rat)
Baert, K. (Project leader), Adriaens, T. (Cooperator), Berlengee, F. (Cooperator), Cartuyvels, E. (Cooperator), Huysentruyt, F. (Cooperator), Lathouwers, M. (Cooperator) & Schamp, K. (Cooperator)
1/03/22 → 28/02/25
Project: Evinbo
CoolTree: Large solitary trees in the face of climate change: contributions to biodiversity and ecosystem functions
Thomaes, A. (Project leader) & Pollet, M. (Cooperator)
19/01/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo
eDNA detection of weatherfish in the context of SBP (EVINBO)
Brys, R. (Project leader), Halfmaerten, D. (Cooperator), Neyrinck, S. (Cooperator) & Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator)
3/01/22 → 5/01/26
Project: Evinbo
Monitoring of harmful substances in freshwater fish
Desender, M. (Cooperator), Geeraerts, C. (Cooperator) & Teunen, L. (Cooperator)
3/01/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo
Monitoring and evaluation of adaptive game management Drongengoed
Casaer, J. (Project leader), Delva, S. (Cooperator), Dupont, S. (Cooperator), Pallemaerts, L. (Cooperator) & Pollet, M. (Cooperator)
1/01/22 → 31/12/31
Project: coöperation agreement
MONACO "Breeding bird monitoring in the search zones of the nature compensation areas at the Achterhaven Zeebrugge"
Stienen, E. (Project leader), Courtens, W. (Cooperator), Van De Walle, M. (Cooperator), Vanermen, N. (Cooperator) & Verstraete, H. (Cooperator)
1/01/22 → 1/01/27
Project: Evinbo
Strengthening bird and hare monitoring in the agricultural area
Devos, K. (Project leader), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Jansen, J. (Cooperator), Langeraert, W. (Cooperator), Pollet, M. (Cooperator), Van Calster, H. (Cooperator) & Van Gossum, P. (Cooperator)
1/01/22 → 31/12/25
Project: Evinbo