Projects per year
Personal profile
Research expertise
Jeroen Speybroeck is a biologist and researcher in the Monitoring and Restoration of Aquatic Fauna at INBO, the Flemisch Research Institute for Nature and Forest. He obtained his PhD degree in Zoology in 2007 (Ghent University). He is the coordinator of INBO research on amphibians and reptiles. Emphasis lies on sustainable conservation and management of the European and Flemish protected and priority species. Projects support the actions prescribed within several species protection programmes and management guidelines, including population research (including fire salamander Salamandra salamandra, which Jeroen has been studying intensively since 2008) and ex situ breeding and head-starting of the most endangered Flemish species (common midwife toad Alytes obstetricans and common spadefoot toad Pelobates fuscus). Also invasive herpetofauna species, such as beauty rat snake Elaphe taeniura, are subject of research. Jeroen has been active in the field of herpetology for many years. He plays active roles in the European herpetological society Societas Europaea Herpetologica and the Flemish herpetological conservation task force Hyla. He is the first author of the currently most authoritative field guide of the European herpetofauna (2016, available in four languages) and numerous scientific publications.
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Genetic study of a Dutch fire salamander population (EVINBO)
Cox, K. (Project leader), Speybroeck, J. (Cooperator), Van Breusegem, A. (Cooperator) & Verschaeve, L. (Cooperator)
8/01/25 → 30/06/25
Project: Evinbo
Common midwife toad habitat analysis
van Doorn, L. (Project leader), Speybroeck, J. (Cooperator) & Van Eenaeme, D. (Cooperator)
1/04/24 → 1/03/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Monitoring success of introduction programme common midwife toad
Speybroeck, J. (Project leader), Van Eenaeme, D. (Cooperator) & van Doorn, L. (Cooperator)
1/04/24 → 31/03/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Monitoring introduction common spadefoot
van Doorn, L. (Project leader), Speybroeck, J. (Cooperator) & Van Eenaeme, D. (Cooperator)
25/03/24 → 30/07/27
Project: coöperation agreement
Scientific support for the eradication of African clawed frog
Adriaens, T. (Project leader), Brys, R. (Cooperator), Everts, T. (Cooperator), Segal, M. (Cooperator), Speybroeck, J. (Cooperator) & van Doorn, L. (Cooperator)
21/12/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Legally bound
Research output
Advies over de translocatie van kamsalamander naar het natuurreservaat Eksterheide (Beerse)
van Doorn, L. (Main author) & Speybroeck, J., 26-Sept-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4874)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile123 Downloads (Pure) -
Amphibian translocations in Belgium (Europe)
van Doorn, L., Speybroeck, J., Auwerx, J., Cox, K. & Mergeay, J., 9-Aug-2024. 22 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper/Powerpoint/Abstract
Open AccessFile14 Downloads (Pure) -
Amphibian translocations in Flanders, Belgium
van Doorn, L., Speybroeck, J., Auwerx, J., Mergeay, J., Gora, L. & Toebat, J., 23-May-2024. 1 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster
Open AccessFile326 Downloads (Pure) -
De vroedmeesterpad in Vlaams-Brabant: kweek en translocatie
van Doorn, L., Van Eenaeme, D., Picavet, B., Mergeay, J., Speybroeck, J. & Auwerx, J., 6-Mar-2024. 33 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper/Powerpoint/Abstract
Open AccessFile27 Downloads (Pure) -
Extreme genetic depletion upon postglacial colonization hampers determining the provenance of introduced palmate newt populations
Elfering, R., Mannix, S., Allain, S., Ambu, J., Crochet, P.-A., van Doorn, L., Dufresnes, C., Jehle, R., Julian, A., Baird, F. K., O'Brien, D., Secondi, J., Speybroeck, J., Theodoropoulos, A., Stark, T. & Wielstra, B., 24-May-2024, In: Amphibia-reptilia. 45, 3, p. 349-356 9 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › A1: Web of Science-article › peer-review
Open AccessFile86 Downloads (Pure)
Checklist of alien herpetofauna of Belgium
van Doorn, L. (Owner), Reyserhove, L. (Creator), Speybroeck, J. (Creator) & Adriaens, T. (Creator), Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, 21-Mar-2021
DOI: 10.15468/pnxu4c
Validated red lists of Flanders, Belgium
Maes, D. (Creator), Brosens, D. (Creator), T'Jollyn, F. (Creator), Desmet, P. (Creator), Piesschaert, F. (Creator), Van Hoey, S. (Creator), Adriaens, T. (Creator), Dekoninck, W. (Creator), Devos, K. (Creator), Lock, K. (Creator), Onkelinx, T. (Creator), Packet, J. (Creator), Speybroeck, J. (Creator), Thomaes, A. (Creator), Van Den Berge, K. (Creator), Van Landuyt, W. (Creator) & Verreycken, H. (Creator), 21-Feb-2019
DOI: 10.15468/8tk3tk, and one more link, (show fewer)
Non-validated red list of Flanders, Belgium
Maes, D. (Creator), Brosens, D. (Creator), T'Jollyn, F. (Creator), Desmet, P. (Creator), Piesschaert, F. (Creator), Van Hoey, S. (Creator), Adriaens, T. (Creator), Dekoninck, W. (Creator), Devos, K. (Creator), Lock, K. (Creator), Onkelinx, T. (Creator), Packet, J. (Creator), Speybroeck, J. (Creator), Thomaes, A. (Creator), Van Den Berge, K. (Creator), Van Landuyt, W. (Creator) & Verreycken, H. (Creator), 21-Feb-2019
DOI: 10.15468/54nwog, and one more link, (show fewer)
- / - List of species observed in Belgium
Swinnen, K. (Creator), Bronne, L. (Creator), Herremans, M. (Creator), Gielen, K. (Creator), Adriaens, T. (Creator), Baartmans, T. (Creator), Baert, D. (Creator), Baltus, H. (Creator), Barendse, R. (Creator), Boeraeve, M. (Creator), Boers, K. (Creator), Bogaert, J. (Creator), Bouillard, N. (Creator), Claerebout, S. (Creator), De Knijf, G. (Creator), De Beer, D. (Creator), De Smedt, P. (Creator), De Cock, R. (Creator), De Grave, D. (Creator), De Ketelaere, A. (Creator), Deblauwe, I. (Creator), Decrick, L. (Creator), Dekeukeleire, D. (Creator), Deraedt, H. (Creator), Devalez, J. (Creator), D'Haeseleer, J. (Creator), Driessens, G. (Creator), Eysermans, D. (Creator), Fagot, J. (Creator), Hendrickx, R. (Creator), Jooris, R. (Creator), Langeraert, W. (Creator), Lavreys, E. (Creator), Lock, K. (Creator), Logghe, G. (Creator), Maes, K. (Creator), Mayon, N. (Creator), Moonen, E. (Creator), Mortelmans, J. (Creator), Muls, D. (Creator), Opdekamp, W. (Creator), Peeters, K. (Creator), Pieters, R. (Creator), Pollet, M. (Creator), Ravoet, J. (Creator), Rhebergen, F. (Creator), Schneider, A. (Creator), Segers, S. (Creator), Septor, R. (Creator), Soors, J. (Creator), Speybroeck, J. (Creator), Steeman, C. (Creator), Steeman, R. (Creator), Thomaes, A. (Creator), Uitterhaegen, B. (Creator), van Doorn, L. (Creator), Van der Schoot, P. (Creator), Van den Neucker, T. (Creator), van den Berg, E. (Creator), Van Sanden, P. (Creator), Van de Poel, S. (Creator), Van Steenwinkel, C. (Creator), Vanormelingen, P. (Creator), Vantieghem, P. (Creator), Veraghtert, W. (Creator), Verbelen, D. (Creator), Verbeylen, G. (Creator), Verhaeghe, F. (Creator), Verheyde, F. (Creator), Vermeiren, H. (Creator), Vertommen, W. (Creator), Zeegers, T. (Creator), Lambrechts, J. (Creator), Vanreusel, W. (Creator), Paquet, J.-Y. (Creator) & Desmet, P. (Creator), Natuurpunt, 9-Dec-2022
DOI: 10.15468/a7wkuh
- - Transects for fire salamanders in Flanders, Belgium
Piesschaert, F. (Contributor), Speybroeck, J. (Contributor), Brosens, D. (Contributor), Westra, T. (Contributor), Desmet, P. (Contributor), Ledegen, H. (Contributor), Poel, S. V. D. (Contributor) & Pollet, M. (Contributor), 1-Jan-2021
DOI: 10.15468/nbsk9h,
- 2 Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
Coordination of Xenopus laevis management in Belgium
Adriaens, T. (Participant), Brys, R. (Speaker), van Doorn, L. (Participant) & Speybroeck, J. (Participant)
5-Dec-2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust
van Doorn, L. (Participant), Auwerx, J. (Participant) & Speybroeck, J. (Participant)
12-Nov-2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting