Projects per year
Personal profile
Research expertise
- Support poplar and willow breeding program: artificial infections with fungi and bacteria in the lab and nursery with the aim of selecting resistant and tolerant varieties (clones).
- Isolation of pathogens (bacteria and fungi) in the laboratory and their storage (collection) in liquid nitrogen.
- Disease research in various native forest trees: poplar, willow, forest cherry, ash and black alder.
- Development of a scoring system for different infectious diseases with the aim of selecting tolerant species.
- Scoring of phenotypic traits in trees (sprouting and closing end buds, leaf discoloration and leaf drop) for selection in the context of climate change
- Experience in vitro culture through internship and plant breeding department RUG.
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1/01/20 → 31/12/25
Project: own initiative (position paper)
Design of a monitoring plan for wolves in Flanders (northern Belgium)
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Project: Legally bound
Research output
DMP voor het monitoren van carnivoren via het Marternetwerk. Versie 1
Veltjen, E., Van Den Berge, K., Berlengee, F., Schamp, K., Pieters, S., Baert, K., Rutten, A. & Westra, T. (Editor), 17-Jan-2025, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek.Research output: Other contribution › Data Management Plans
De wasbeer Procyon lotor in Vlaanderen
Van Den Berge, K., Gouwy, J., Berlengee, F. & Schamp, K., 2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. 68 p. (Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. 50)Research output: Book/Report › Reports of Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile362 Downloads (Pure) -
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Pollet, M., Maebe, K., Berlengee, F., Brosens, D., De Beer, S., Jocque, M., Milotic, T., Neukermans, A., Reyserhove, L., Schamp, K., Simoens, N., Vander Mijnsbrugge, K., Van de Meutter, F., Vanden Houten, J., Vanhaverbeke , K. & Vanhercke, L., 2023, In: INBO Nieuwsbrief. september 2023Research output: Contribution to journal › Contribution to INBO Nieuwsbrief
Open Access -
Diet of the first settled wolves (Canis lupus) in Flanders, Belgium
Van Der Veken, T., Van Den Berge, K., Gouwy, J., Berlengee, F. & Schamp, K., 2021, In: Lutra (Leiden). 64, 1, p. 45-56 12 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › A2: Article in a journal with peer review, not included in A1 › peer-review
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Evaluatie monitoring wilddetectiesysteem N73-Kamperbaan
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