Projects per year
Personal profile
Education/Academic qualification
Thematic List 2020
- Protected nature
Taxonomic List
- mosses (Bryophyta)
- higher plants (Plantae)
- monitoring network for policy support
- local conservation status
- policy support (inc. instruments)
- biological evaluation map
- Habitats Directive
- conservation goals
- biodiversity policy
- management monitoring
- nature management
Geographic List
- Limburg
- Flemish Brabant
- Antwerp
- Kempen
- Hageland
- Haspengouw
- Leemstreek
- Dyle
- Meerdaal Forest
- Demer
- Voerstreek
- fieldwork (observations and sampling)
- identification
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Habitat action plans - Preparation of guidance on habitat restoration
Van Uytvanck, J. (Project leader), De Saeger, S. (Cooperator), Decleer, K. (Cooperator), Demolder, H. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator), Packet, J. (Cooperator), Provoost, S. (Cooperator) & Thoonen, M. (Cooperator)
1/10/24 → 30/06/26
Project: coöperation agreement
PAS impact monitoring
Wuyts, K. (Project leader), Adriaens, D. (Cooperator), Carmen, R. (Cooperator), Cools, N. (Cooperator), De Becker, P. (Cooperator), De Keersmaeker, L. (Cooperator), Genouw, G. (Cooperator), Herr, C. (Cooperator), Leyssen, A. (Cooperator), Louette, G. (Cooperator), Mielke, F. (Cooperator), Neirynck, J. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator), Packet, J. (Cooperator), Provoost, S. (Cooperator), Raman, M. (Cooperator), Van Calster, H. (Cooperator), Van Daele, T. (Cooperator), Vanden Borre, J. (Cooperator), Vanderhaeghe, F. (Cooperator), Verstraeten, A. (Cooperator), Wackenier, M. (Cooperator), Westra, T. (Cooperator) & Wouters, J. (Cooperator)
8/08/24 → 31/12/30
Project: Evinbo
Biodiversa+ Biodiversity Monitoring Pilot “Mapping and monitoring of grassland and wetland habitats”
Oosterlynck, P. (Project leader), Cool, R. (Cooperator), Heremans, S. (Cooperator), Spanhove, T. (Cooperator) & Vanpoucke, K. (Cooperator)
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Flanders Ecosystem Accounting (FLEA)
Van Reeth, W. (Project leader), Adriaens, T. (Cooperator), Alaerts, K. (Cooperator), Courtens, W. (Cooperator), D'hondt, B. (Cooperator), De Keersmaeker, L. (Cooperator), De Saeger, S. (Cooperator), De Vos, B. (Cooperator), Dochy, O. (Cooperator), Dumortier, M. (Cooperator), Heremans, S. (Cooperator), Jacobs, S. (Cooperator), Lettens, S. (Cooperator), Leyman, A. (Cooperator), Leyssen, A. (Cooperator), Maebe, K. (Cooperator), Michels, H. (Cooperator), Onkelinx, T. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator), Packet, J. (Cooperator), Petersen, F. (Cooperator), Peymen, J. (Cooperator), Provoost, S. (Cooperator), Spanhove, T. (Cooperator), Stevens, M. (Cooperator), Thomaes, A. (Cooperator), Van Calster, H. (Cooperator), Van Gossum, P. (Cooperator), Van Landuyt, W. (Cooperator), Vandekerkhove, K. (Cooperator), Vanden Borre, J. (Cooperator), Vandevoorde, B. (Cooperator), Vanhellemont, M. (Cooperator), Vught, I. (Cooperator) & Wils, C. (Cooperator)
23/11/23 → 20/07/26
Project: own initiative (position paper)
Ecohydrological characterisation of the Mombeek valley and its springs
De Becker, P. (Project leader), Adriaens, D. (Cooperator), De Dobbelaer, T. (Cooperator), Depaepe, W. (Cooperator), Erens, R. (Cooperator), Guelinckx, R. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator) & Simoens, N. (Cooperator)
17/11/22 → 17/11/25
Project: Evinbo
Research output
1. Mossen
Oosterlynck, P., 18-Jan-2024, Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen: Natuurrapport 2000-2020. Genk, p. 63-71 6 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Contribution to a report not published by INBO
2 Downloads (Pure) -
Actualisatie van de Biologische Waarderingskaart en Natura 2000-Habitatkaart van de Gemeenschappelijke Maas ter hoogte van Meeswijk-Mazenhoven-Molenveld
De Saeger, S. (Main author), Oosterlynck, P., Erens, R. & Van Braeckel, A., 5-Sept-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4900)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile156 Downloads (Pure) -
Advies over de habitatwaardigheid van vegetaties bovenop een onnatuurlijke ondergrond
Spanhove, T. (Main author), Oosterlynck, P., Van Uytvanck, J., Vanden Borre, J. & De Saeger, S., 5-Aug-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4870)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile235 Downloads (Pure) -
Advies over het gebruik van de kritische depositiewaarden in het natuur- en stikstofbeleid
Vanden Borre, J. (Main author), De Keersmaeker, L., Neirynck, J., Oosterlynck, P. & Wuyts, K., 29-Aug-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4884)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile203 Downloads (Pure) -
Advies over kansen tot het realiseren van de gunstige staat van instandhouding van habitats tegen 2030
Vanden Borre, J. (Main author), Provoost, S., Packet, J., Thomaes, A., Oosterlynck, P., Vandevoorde, B. & De Saeger, S., 8-Jul-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4863)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile162 Downloads (Pure)
Assessment of current and future invasive plants in protected dune habitats of the Atlantic coastal region for the LIFE DUNIAS project (LIFE20 NAT/BE/001442)
Adriaens, T. (Creator), D'hondt, B. (Creator), Carael, S. (Creator), Deconinck, D. (Creator), Devisscher, S. (Creator), Hillaert, J. (Creator), Jacobs, I. (Creator), Janssen, J. (Creator), Paredis, R. (Creator), Oosterlynck, P. (Creator), Strubbe, R. (Creator), Van Gompel, W. (Creator), Van Landuyt, W. (Creator), Vercruysse, E. (Creator), Westra, T. (Creator) & Provoost, S. (Creator), Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, 3-Apr-2023
Redistribution of the Natura 2000 habitat map of Flanders (version 2023)
De Saeger, S. (Creator), Dhaluin, P. (Creator), Erens, R. (Creator), Guelinckx, R. (Creator), Hennebel, D. (Creator), Jacobs, I. (Creator), Kumpen, M. (Creator), Van Oost, F. (Creator), Spanhove, T. (Creator), Leyssen, A. (Creator), Oosterlynck, P. (Creator), Van Dam, G. (Creator), Van Hove, M. (Creator) & Wils, C. (Creator), 7-Nov-2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10167695, and one more link, (show fewer)
- 1 Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
Assessment of current and future Invasive Alien Species in European coastal dune ecosystems
Adriaens, T. (Organiser), D'hondt, B. (Organiser), Provoost, S. (Organiser), Oosterlynck, P. (Speaker), Steen, F. (Participant), Hillaert, J. (Participant), Jacobs, I. (Participant), Jansen, J. (Participant), Paredis, R. (Participant), Van Landuyt, W. (Participant) & Vercruysse, E. (Participant)
19-May-2022 → 20-May-2022Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting