Projects per year
Personal profile
Research expertise
His research within the estuaries team focuses on the development, evaluation and management of nature compensations and restoration projects in the Antwerp port area, with a focus on the hydrological situation and vegetation development. The aim of this research is to support the policy authorities with advice in order to achieve a good conservation status.
In addition, as a bat expert he conducts research into landscape use and habitat use of bats. An important part of this research is hibernation of bats. In this research, the temperature evolution in hibernacula is investigated and physical models are built to understand the habitat preference of hibernating bats, to optimize bat hibernacula and to investigate the influence of climate change on hibernating bats. He also investigates bat activity and landscape connectivity, with a special focus on winter activity.
Education/Academic qualification
Biology, Master of Science, Universiteit Antwerpen
Award Date: 18-Sept-2001
environmental technology, Master of Engineering, Universiteit Gent
Award Date: 27-Sept-1993
metallurgy, Master of Engineering, Universiteit Gent
Award Date: 10-Jul-1992
Taxonomic List
- bats (Chiroptera)
Geographic List
- Port of Antwerp
- statistics and modelling
- 1 Similar Profiles
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Preparatory research and development of model instruments for climate-robust management of the Zeeschelde (EVINBO)
Vanoverbeke, J. (Project leader), Geunens, O. (Cooperator), Gyselings, R. (Cooperator), Jocqué, M. (Cooperator), Mertens, A. (Cooperator), Van Braeckel, A. (Cooperator), Van Praet, A.-L. (Cooperator), Van Ryckegem, G. (Cooperator), Van de Meutter, F. (Cooperator), Vandevoorde, B. (Cooperator) & Vanermen, N. (Cooperator)
1/07/24 → 30/06/27
Project: Evinbo
Inventory (maternity) colonies of bats in warm attics
Dekeukeleire, D. (Project leader), Brys, R. (Cooperator), De Bruyn, L. (Cooperator), Gyselings, R. (Cooperator) & Halfmaerten, D. (Cooperator)
1/05/24 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
Biomonitoring of Nieuwkapelleplas for construction of floating solar panel farm (EVINBO)
Packet, J. (Project leader), De Bruyn, L. (Cooperator), De Knijf, G. (Cooperator), Dekeukeleire, D. (Cooperator), Denys, L. (Cooperator), Dermout, W. (Cooperator), Devos, K. (Cooperator), Gyselings, R. (Cooperator), Louette, G. (Cooperator), Scheers, K. (Cooperator) & Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator)
15/05/23 → 15/03/25
Project: Evinbo
Support Species Protection Plan Bats - BatConnect
De Bruyn, L. (Project leader), Gyselings, R. (Cooperator) & Manzanares, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/21 → 31/12/25
Project: coöperation agreement
‘Climate Change and Biodiversity’ programme
Raman, M. (Project leader), Adriaenssens, V. (Cooperator), Alaerts, K. (Cooperator), De Bruyn, L. (Cooperator), De Knijf, G. (Cooperator), De Ro, A. (Cooperator), Decleer, K. (Cooperator), Delva, S. (Cooperator), Eves Down, M.-R. (Cooperator), Gyselings, R. (Cooperator), Lemmens, P. (Cooperator), Lettens, S. (Cooperator), Maebe, K. (Cooperator), Maes, D. (Cooperator), Oosterlynck, P. (Cooperator), Pollet, M. (Cooperator), Thomaes, A. (Cooperator), Thoonen, M. (Cooperator), Tuerlings, T. (Cooperator), Van Braeckel, A. (Cooperator), Van Daele, T. (Cooperator), Van Damme, S. (Cooperator), Van Ryckegem, G. (Cooperator), Vanden Broeck, A. (Cooperator), Vander Mijnsbrugge, K. (Cooperator), Vanhellemont, M. (Cooperator) & Vriens, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/19 → 31/12/29
Project: Scientific support
Research output
Advies over de effecten van verlichting op twee bruggen over de Schelde
Gyselings, R. (Main author) & Dekeukeleire, D., 12-Mar-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4746)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile183 Downloads (Pure) -
Advies over de impact van laagstamboomgaarden op het foerageergebied van bruine kiekendief
Spanoghe, G. (Main author) & Gyselings, R., 2-Sept-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4879)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile167 Downloads (Pure) -
Advies over de voorlopige bescherming van de mergelgroeve Grote Berg in Riemst
Erens, R. (Main author), Dekeukeleire, D. & Gyselings, R., 1-Feb-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4816)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile70 Downloads (Pure) -
Advies over ontwerpplannen voor het optimaliseren van de Putten Weiden-West te Beveren in functie van weidevogels en zilte vegetaties
Gyselings, R. (Main author), 21-Aug-2024, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek. (Adviezen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; no. INBO.A.4846)Research output: Book/Report › Advices of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest
Open AccessFile710 Downloads (Pure) -
Body temperatures in hibernating bats
De Maegdt, M., Gyselings, R. & De Bruyn, L., 2-Sept-2024. 1 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Poster
Data from: High levels of effective long-distance dispersal may blur ecotypic divergence in a rare terrestrial orchid
Vanden Broeck, A. (Creator), Van Landuyt, W. (Contributor), Cox, K. (Contributor), De Bruyn, L. (Contributor), Gyselings, R. (Contributor), Oostermeijer, G. (Contributor), Valentin, B. (Contributor), Bozic, G. (Contributor), Dolinar, B. (Contributor), Illyés, Z. (Contributor) & Mergeay, J. (Contributor), 8-Jul-2014
Differences in hibernation strategy of bats in relation to the physical characteristics and availability of hibernacula
Gyselings, R. (Invited speaker), De Bruyn, L. (Invited speaker), Kokurewicz, T. (Invited speaker), Rachwald, A. (Invited speaker), Apoznański, G. (Invited speaker) & Kirkpatrick, L. (Invited speaker)
7-Aug-2022 → 12-Aug-2022Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
Temperatuur, vleermuizen en klimaatveranderingen
Gyselings, R. (Invited speaker) & De Bruyn, L. (Invited speaker)
7-Oct-2021Activity: Talk or presentation types › Lecture and oral contribution
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15th European Bat Research Symposium
Gyselings, R. (Participant) & De Bruyn, L. (Participant)
4-May-2021 → 7-May-2021Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting