Projects per year
Search results
Evaluation of a fish screen at the pump and hydropower station in the Albertkanal (Hassel, Belgium)
Coeck, J. (Project leader), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Verhelst, P. (Cooperator)
1/05/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Evinbo
Monitoring an evaluation of electromagnetic fields from the power lines of the offshore wind parks on fish in the Scheldt sstuary
Pauwels, I. (Project leader), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Verhelst, P. (Cooperator)
1/09/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Evinbo
Fish injury, mortality and passage at te pumping station Groot Schijn
Buysse, D. (Project leader), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Plaetinck, S. (Cooperator), Rosseel, D. (Cooperator), Smeekens, V. (Cooperator), Vanden Houten, J. (Cooperator) & Verhelst, P. (Cooperator)
1/09/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Evinbo
H2020-MSCA-ITN: RIBES - River Flow Regulation, Fish Behaviour and Status
Pauwels, I. (Project leader), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator) & Pieters, S. (Cooperator)
1/01/20 → 31/12/24
Project: Evinbo
Eurasian Otter (EVINBO)
Vandamme, L. (Project leader), Auwerx, J. (Cooperator), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Belpaire, C. (Cooperator), Bombaerts, D. (Cooperator), Breine, J. (Cooperator), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), Ceusters, Y. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), Croonen, J.-P. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Dens, F. (Cooperator), Dewit, M. (Cooperator), Galle, L. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Lambeens, I. (Cooperator), Maes, Y. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Picavet, B. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Terrie, T. (Cooperator), Van Thuyne, G. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator), Vermeersch, S. (Cooperator) & Verreycken, H. (Cooperator)
3/09/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Evinbo
PhD research BOF in cooperation with UGent: Fundamental relations between spatiotemporal fish behaviour and hydraulic conditions in anthropogenically impacted streams
Pauwels, I. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Robberechts, K. (Cooperator)
1/01/17 → 31/12/19
Project: Scientific support
PhD research SBO-FWO in cooperation with UGent: Importance of estuarine coastal areas as a habitat for migration of fish and recovery of populations
Coeck, J. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Robberechts, K. (Cooperator)
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: PhD
Evaluation of fish migration by means of two constructed fish passages on the Kleine Nete in Grobbendonk and Kasterlee (EVINBO)
Buysse, D. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Robberechts, K. (Cooperator)
1/11/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Evinbo
FIThydro - Fish friendly Innovative Technologies for hydropower (EVINBO)
Pauwels, I. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator) & Vandamme, L. (Cooperator)
1/11/16 → 30/04/21
Project: Evinbo
2016 Water Framework Directive fish sampling in the Brussels Region (EVINBO)
Breine, J. (Project leader), Bombaerts, D. (Cooperator), Croonen, J.-P. (Cooperator), De Bruyn, A. (Cooperator), Dewit, M. (Cooperator), Froidmont, M. (Cooperator), Galle, L. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Lambeens, I. (Cooperator), Maes, Y. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Robberechts, K. (Cooperator)
1/01/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Evinbo
Sampling and analyses in the context of the Flemish region monitoring network biota (Field Study Biota Standards III) (EVINBO)
Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Belpaire, C. (Cooperator), Bezdenjesnji, O. (Cooperator), Bombaerts, D. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), Croonen, J.-P. (Cooperator), De Bruyn, A. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Dens, F. (Cooperator), Desender, M. (Cooperator), Dewit, M. (Cooperator), Froidmont, M. (Cooperator), Galle, L. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Lambeens, I. (Cooperator), Maes, Y. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Teunen, L. (Cooperator), Van Thuyne, G. (Cooperator) & Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator)
1/09/15 → 31/12/24
Project: Evinbo
Evaluation of pumps and hydroelectric power stations Albertkaanl (EVINBO)
Coeck, J. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Mouton, A. (Cooperator), Papadopoulos, I. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator), Vandamme, L. (Cooperator) & Vermeersch, S. (Cooperator)
1/10/13 → 31/12/18
Project: Evinbo
The brown rat: further optimisation of current control measures in car parks and along watercourses
Baert, K. (Project leader), Casaer, J. (Cooperator), Huysentruyt, F. (Cooperator), Neukermans, A. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Stuyck, J. (Cooperator) & Van Breusegem, A. (Cooperator)
1/01/13 → 31/12/21
Project: Outline agreement
Optimization of fish migration freshwater-seawater transitions
Buysse, D. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Mouton, A. (Cooperator), Papadopoulos, I. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Stevens, M. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator), Van den Neucker, T. (Cooperator), Vermeersch, S. (Cooperator) & Verreycken, H. (Cooperator)
1/01/13 → 31/12/24
Project: Outline agreement
Fish acoustic receiver network for LifeWatch
Pauwels, I. (Project leader), Aelterman, B. (Cooperator), Azijn, K. (Cooperator), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Desmet, P. (Cooperator), Fostier, C. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Goossens, C. (Cooperator), Mouton, A. (Cooperator), Papadopoulos, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Pollet, M. (Cooperator) & Robberechts, K. (Cooperator)
1/10/12 → 31/12/24
Project: Evinbo
Research into spatial and temporal patterns of movement of wild boar in the context of damage management
Scheppers, T. (Project leader), Adriaens, T. (Cooperator), Baert, K. (Cooperator), Casaer, J. (Cooperator), Devisscher, S. (Cooperator), Huysentruyt, F. (Cooperator), Neukermans, A. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Rutten, A. (Cooperator), Van Liefferinge, N. (Cooperator), Vercammen, J. (Cooperator), Verschaeve, L. (Cooperator) & Verschaffel, E. (Cooperator)
1/08/12 → 31/12/19
Project: Demand
Scientific support of fishery policy and fish management (EVINBO)
Coeck, J. (Project leader), Auwerx, J. (Cooperator), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Belpaire, C. (Cooperator), Buysse, D. (Cooperator), Ceusters, Y. (Cooperator), De Charleroy, D. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Dens, F. (Cooperator), Geeraerts, C. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Halfmaerten, D. (Cooperator), Hennebel, D. (Cooperator), Jansen, I. (Cooperator), Mergeay, J. (Cooperator), Mouton, A. (Cooperator), Neyrinck, S. (Cooperator), Papadopoulos, I. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Picavet, B. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Quataert, P. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Stevens, M. (Cooperator), Van Breusegem, A. (Cooperator), Van Liefferinge, N. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator), Van den Neucker, T. (Cooperator), Vandamme, L. (Cooperator), Vanden Houten, J. (Cooperator), Verhaegen, Y. (Cooperator), Verreycken, H. (Cooperator), Verschaeve, L. (Cooperator) & Vught, I. (Cooperator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/24
Project: Evinbo
Research into the distribution of various forms of resistance to rodenticides in the brown rat in Flanders
Baert, K. (Project leader), Berlengee, F. (Cooperator), Casaer, J. (Cooperator), Gouwy, J. (Cooperator), Halfmaerten, D. (Cooperator), Jansen, I. (Cooperator), Mergeay, J. (Cooperator), Neyrinck, S. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Quataert, P. (Cooperator), Stuyck, J. (Cooperator), Van Breusegem, A. (Cooperator), Van Liefferinge, N. (Cooperator), Vansevenant, D. (Cooperator) & Verschaeve, L. (Cooperator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/22
Project: Outline agreement
Monitoring of population trends and bio-indicators for roe deer at different sites in order to monitor the impact of local conditions and management regimes
Casaer, J. (Project leader), Boone, N. (Cooperator), Devisscher, S. (Cooperator), Huysentruyt, F. (Cooperator), Neukermans, A. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Vercammen, J. (Cooperator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/19
Project: Demand
Ecological water management research of unnavigable watercourses (VMM)
Buysse, D. (Project leader), Auwerx, J. (Cooperator), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Hennebel, D. (Cooperator), Mouton, A. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Picavet, B. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Stevens, M. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator), Van den Neucker, T. (Cooperator), Vandamme, L. (Cooperator) & Vermeersch, S. (Cooperator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/24
Project: Outline agreement
Investigation into remediation of fish migration bottleneck (De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)
Buysse, D. (Project leader), Baeyens, R. (Cooperator), Coeck, J. (Cooperator), De Maerteleire, N. (Cooperator), De Regge, N. (Cooperator), Galle, L. (Cooperator), Gelaude, E. (Cooperator), Mouton, A. (Cooperator), Pauwels, I. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator), Robberechts, K. (Cooperator), Smeekens, V. (Cooperator), Stevens, M. (Cooperator), Van Wichelen, J. (Cooperator), Van den Neucker, T. (Cooperator), Vermeersch, S. (Cooperator) & Verreycken, H. (Cooperator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/24
Project: Outline agreement
Muskrat: research with a view to optimising control measures
Cartuyvels, E. (Project leader), Adriaens, T. (Cooperator), Baert, K. (Cooperator), Berlengee, F. (Cooperator), Casaer, J. (Cooperator), D'hondt, B. (Cooperator), Dupont, S. (Cooperator), Halfmaerten, D. (Cooperator), Huysentruyt, F. (Cooperator), Jansen, I. (Cooperator), Mergeay, J. (Cooperator), Neyrinck, S. (Cooperator), Pieters, S. (Cooperator) & Stuyck, J. (Cooperator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/24
Project: Outline agreement