Adaptation potential of native trees and shrubs to changing climate

Project Details


Natural populations of trees and shrubs are adapted to the climate. According to current models, our climate will become warmer on average, and the risk of extreme climatic conditions will increase, including longer periods of drought during the summer. Therefore, the adaptability of trees and shrubs to changing growing conditions is important. We want to study the different provenances within the species in particular. Through greenhouse tests we want to gain insight into the response of provenances of amongst others black alder and beech to differences in temperature during germination and/or bud outlet of the seedlings and during drought stress during the growing season.
Effective start/end date2/01/1630/12/24

Thematic List 2020

  • Forest
  • Climate

Thematic list

  • Climate
  • Forestry (society)
  • Forest management


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