‘Agriculture and Biodiversity’ programme

Project Details


The ‘Agriculture and biodiversity’ working group has the following tasks:
- contribute to the INBO's multi-annual planning around this theme
- exchange about ongoing research on this theme within the various research teams, about project proposals in preparation, about interesting conferences, ...
- (coordinating) the delivery of INBO responses to recommendation and policy questions
- exchanging information on relevant matters from consultations with third parties (including ILVO, VLM, rural research platform, agricultural research platform and LARA)
- formulating proposals to the management for priorities around this theme at INBO, and
- contributing to new project proposals around this theme, both internally and externally funded.
Effective start/end date4/09/1831/12/29

Thematic List 2020

  • Agriculture
  • Data & infrastructure

Free keywords

  • agriculture


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