Book Natuurbeheer III (Nature Management III)

Project Details


The book Natuurbeheer III aims to offer a handle for the conservation and management of biotopes, whether or not they fall under a European habitat type (for which conservation objectives must be achieved).

The book opts for nature management that is based on scientific research, which in practice usually leads to nuanced statements. The book should therefore encourage reflection on the concrete management of a site in order to take decisions from there. For these reasons, it was also decided to start from the characteristics of each biotope and the nature values that characterise this biotope, in order to arrive at a management that can involve one or more control measures by means of evaluation and by confrontation with the various pressure factors that can negatively affect its qualities. The proposed management should therefore be understood as a guiding and not the only 'beatifying' solution.
Effective start/end date1/09/1731/12/22

Thematic List 2020

  • Protected nature


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