Project Details


The cultivation of the crested newt was set up at the request of De Vlaamse Waterweg and the Agentschap Natuur en Bos in 2016. Since there was no experience with the cultivation of crested newt on this scale, the three-year cultivation was one of trial and error. In 2016, 35 juvenile crested newts could be released, in 2017 none. This led to some fundamental changes in the methodology that paid off in 2018, with more than 600 larvae already released in June 2018 and a thousand more in breeding.
By continuing the breeding, this project aims to preserve the population of crested newt in the Dijle Valley (Haachts Broek - Boortmeerbeeks Broek - Pikhakendonk) and the Zenne Valley (Battelaer and Robbroek) in order to support and implement the species protection plan (SBP) for crested newt.
Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/19

Thematic List 2020

  • Protected nature


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