Developing a Socio-economic Impact Analysis of the Execution of the Flemish Natura 2000 Programme (SEIA) (EVINBO)

Project Details


The Nature Decree and the Conservation Decree of 20 June 2014 expect ANB to draw up a regular progress report on the Flemish Natura 2000 programme. This report includes an overview of the global socio-economic impact of the implementation of the Flemish Natura 2000 programme.

This study investigates:
- the overall societal benefits of the implementation of the Flemish Natura 2000 programme, i.e. the importance or value of the ecosystem services;
- the overall socio-economic impact of the implementation of the Flemish Natura 2000 programme on the various stakeholders, i.e. the distribution of the advantages and disadvantages over the various groups.

This progress report is drawn up every two years. This therefore requires an approach that can be repeated every two years in order to generate trends and the like, in addition to the impact of that period itself. Within each plot, a methodology must therefore be drawn up and documented that will allow the same analysis to be carried out in the future, so that the results will be easily comparable and trends can be detected.
Effective start/end date31/10/1831/05/19

Thematic List 2020

  • Nature & society


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