e-DNA Crested newt

Project Details


This assignment fulfils objective 3 of the species protection programme (SBP) crested newt, namely to increase knowledge about the current status of the remaining crested newt populations.

In order to obtain insights into the presence of crested newt in all potentially suitable water bodies within the 14 crested newt populations in an efficient and standardised manner, eDNA surveys are being conducted. This method allows detection of very low DNA concentrations of an organism in the environment (called eDNA or environmental DNA). This makes it, especially for rare organisms that occur in limited densities or species with a hidden way of life, an extremely suitable method to map their presence in the landscape. INBO has developed a very sensitive eDNA protocol for the detection of crested newt, which has already proven its power and reliability. Using this method, it is possible to detect the presence of a single individual in a pool. Based on the eDNA signal strength, we can obtain additional rough estimates around the number of individuals present in a pond. This additional info is extremely useful to substantiate further steps towards management.

In the proposed research, all waters that qualify as crested newt habitat will be tested for the presence or absence of the species with rough estimates of the number of individuals present. This will give us a better picture of the status of those 14 populations and allow for more targeted habitat development and management in the future.
Effective start/end date14/03/232/02/26

Thematic List 2020

  • Water

Free keywords

  • amfibia
  • dna
  • edna


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