Explanatory research of (eco)hydrological processes

Project Details


The overall objective of this project is to build up (eco)hydrological knowledge to underpin appropriate policy actions and/or management measures for the conservation and development of groundwater and surface water-bound nature.

The different work packages focus on the aspects of desiccation, flooding and rewetting, for which the need for a better understanding is high, especially in the light of climate change. For example, the impact of both prolonged and acute droughts on vegetation remains underexposed, but there is also a need for a reliable estimate of the conservation and development opportunities with an increasing frequency and duration of floods.

Data collection is handled rationally. For some knowledge questions there is still an effective need for data (e.g. flood issues, drought), for others existing data sets are sufficient and long-term monitoring programmes can be continued.

We also want to investigate which groundwater characteristics are most suitable in these monitoring programmes.
Effective start/end date1/01/2031/12/24


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  • D.5 Verdroging

    Alaerts, K. & Wouters, J., 2020, Natuurrapport 2020: feiten en cijfers voor een nieuw biodiversiteitsbeleid. Schneiders, A., Alaerts, K., Michiels, H., Stevens, M., Van Gossum, P., Van Reeth, W. & Vught, I. (eds.). 2020 ed. Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Vol. 2. (Natuurrapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContribution to Nature Reports of Research Institute for Nature and Forest

    Open Access