INTERLACE: INTERnational cooperation to restore and connect urban environments in Latin AmeriCa and Europe

Project Details


The INTERLACE project brings together a unique consortium of European and Latin American partners to contribute to effectively restoring and rehabilitating urban ecosystems, to make cities more liveable, resilient and inclusive.

The project aims to:
• Advance knowledge and awareness of the benefits of restorative nature-based solutions (NbS), for healthy (peri)urban ecosystems and social, cultural and economic wellbeing
• Foster more ecologically coherent and integrated city planning processes
• Strengthen cooperation and exchange between European and Latin American communities of practice on urban ecological restoration and rehabilitation

INTERLACE is active in four cities: Granollers (Spain), Envigado (Colombia), Portoviejo (Ecuador), Chemnitz (Germany) and two intermunicipal associations: Metropolia Krakowska (Poland) and the Corredor Biológico Interurbano Río María Aguilar-San José (Costa Rica).

Creating fit-for-purpose instruments in complex urban contexts is highly challenging and requires effective transdisciplinary approaches and cooperation with stakeholders and beneficiaries. The project will use an agile co-production process to develop its tools, approaches and guidance and to increase their relevance, legitimacy, and impact.
Effective start/end date1/09/2028/02/25

Thematic List 2020

  • Climate


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