Invasive Alien Species Horizon Scanning in support of implementation of Regulation 1143/2014

Project Details


This research funded by the European Commission (DG Environment) is part of the implementation of the EU Regulation to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS). The previous horizon scan, which formed the basis of the selection of species for the list of IAS if Union concern, dates from 2014. Risk assessments have since been carried out for many of these species after which they were added to the legislation. An update is now imminent, taking into account new scientific research and using the latest horizon scannning methodologies. The horizon scan should provide a new list of at least 100 plant and animal species expected to have a potential negative impact on European biodiversity. The project is lead by IUCN.
Effective start/end date1/01/2431/03/25

Thematic List 2020

  • Invasive species

Free keywords

  • invasives
  • ias


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