Kalmthoutse Heide - recovery potential of habitat types 3130 and 3160

Project Details


Fen restoration is a priority action for the Special Protection Area (SPA) Kalmthoutse Heide, both under the Specific Conservation Objectives (S-IHD) and the Nature Management Plan. Nitrogen deposition and other influences that impede suitable abiotic conditions are a limiting factor and potentially cause acidification or eutrophication.

The Agency for Nature and Forest wishes to understand the following questions before planning restoration measures:
- To what extent is recovery management of fens with habitat types 3130 and 3160 effective, given that these are so-called A habitat types, for which it is stated that quality improvement to recovery is not always effective as long as the critical nitrogen deposition value is exceeded?
- Which of the fens have sufficient potential for habitat restoration?
- At which of the fens with sufficient potential is bank restoration, stopping surface drainage and avoiding water quality deterioration sufficient? At which fens is (silt) clearance recommended and why?
Effective start/end date1/07/2330/06/24

Thematic List 2020

  • Protected nature

Free keywords

  • monitoring
  • natura2000


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