KlimaEffect - Effects of climate change on biodiversity

Project Details


This project aims to respond to the increasing need for scientifically sound and practically applicable knowledge on climate change that can be used for biodiversity management at various policy levels.

The overall objective of this project is knowledge building, integration and dissemination around the theme 'effects of climate change on ecosystems and species' and this for policy and (future) research.

This project contributes to the implementation of the following INBO commitments from the Flemish Climate and Energy Pact (2016):
- development of suitable indicators to monitor climate impact
- knowledge building on climate robustness of the Natura 2000 network in Flanders
- Activating the monitoring network unmanaged reference forests in function of climate issues
- research into the impact of climate change on ecosystem services
Effective start/end date1/01/2021/01/25

Thematic List 2020

  • Climate

Thematic list

  • Climate


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