Activities per year
Project Details
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 31/03/23 → 31/12/24 |
Thematic List 2020
- Agriculture
Free keywords
- monitoring
- farmland
- agriculture
- mammals
- bird
- 4 Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
Dag van de Landbouw Depotter
Jansen, J. (Participant) & Dumortier, M. (Participant)
15-Sept-2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
IUCN Regional Conservation Forum for Europe, North and Central Asia 2024
Jansen, J. (Participant)
30-Sept-2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
Workshop soortendoelen en instrumenten in landbouwgebied
Jansen, J. (Invited speaker), Polfliet, R. (Participant), Spanoghe, G. (Participant) & Janssens, K. (Participant)
23-Jun-2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conference, workshop, training, seminar, meeting
Broedvogels op landbouwakkers fors afgenomen
Jansen, J., 15-Apr-2024Research output: Other contribution › Online publication - Web publication
Stakker straks alleen voor? Pitch tijdens workshop soortendoelen en instrumenten case grauwe gors
Jansen, J., 23-Jun-2023. 18 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper/Powerpoint/Abstract
Wat kunnen we leren uit een Meetnet Agrarische Soorten?
Jansen, J., 10-Sept-2023Research output: Other contribution › Online publication - Web publication