Monitoring Biodiversity in Agricultural Areas - Statistical Support

Project Details


The state of biodiversity in the agricultural area is deteriorating, with negative consequences for biodiversity outside the agricultural area, for agriculture itself and for resilience to climate change. With the Agricultural Biodiversity Monitoring Network, we aim to better monitor this state, as a basis for targeted measures to reverse the decline.
This subproject is part of the launch of MBAG, Monitoring biodiversity in agricultural areas. It aims to bring together all the tasks that fall under the broad heading of statistical support for the four monitoring modules that focus on the biotic component: birds, insects (pollinators), soil biodiversity and vegetation.
The objectives are: (1) alignment of the different monitoring modules, (2) development of the individual monitoring network modules in case this has not already been done, (3) integrated data analysis and reporting of first results.
Effective start/end date1/04/2331/12/24

Thematic List 2020

  • Agriculture

Free keywords

  • agriculture
  • statistics


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