
Project Details


The Atlas Green Blue Solutions maps projects that provide the built environment with green spaces and water bodies, where natural dynamics are given a place. These projects can provide an answer to social, economic, climatic and ecological challenges that are present in urbanized areas such as Flanders. More and more local authorities and agencies are therefore busy realizing a more green-blue design of the built environment, but there is currently no overview of the various green-blue interventions. Knowledge about this is also very fragmented. This atlas changes this.

Various parties including Aquafin, VLARIO, ANB, Department Omgeving and INBO will work together to build and shape the Atlas Green-Blue Solutions. This atlas will consist of a website with inspiring example projects and an underlying database.

The Atlas Green Blue Solutions aims to create an inspiring, motivating and practical knowledge base that reduces the distance between practice, policy and research.
Effective start/end date15/04/221/05/25

Thematic List 2020

  • Nature & society


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