Update detailed biological valuation map for the city of Ghent 2019 (EVINBO)

Project Details


In the course of this project the Ghent biological valuation map (BVM) will be updated by mapping the situation of 2019/2020 area coverage in line with the current typology of the Ghent BVM. Since the Ghent BVMP is also used as a monitoring instrument, we first present a proposal to further refine and describe the methodology in detail (while retaining as much as possible of the methods used in the past), so that the Ghent BVM and its derivatives can also be used for monitoring in the long run. With regard to the updating of the Ghent BVM, we propose a combination of orthophotograph interpretation, remote sensing techniques and terrain inventories. In this way, it is possible to focus on the most biologically valuable areas in a cost-efficient way, without overlooking evolutions in the less valuable areas. Finally, we will summarise the new mapping and synthesize the most relevant patterns and evolutions in the vegetations in a policy-relevant way.
It is to be expected that many vegetations and land-use classes have remained unchanged in the last 5 years. Because of a time-efficient deployment of human resources, not all polygons in the field will be monitored. Therefore, we first foresee some initial desktop checks based on orthophotograph interpretation and remote sensing techniques.
Effective start/end date12/08/1931/12/21

Thematic List 2020

  • Agriculture
  • Protected nature
  • Invasive species
  • Forest
  • Wildlife management
  • Soil & air
  • Water
  • Climate
  • Nature & society


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