Since 1948, INBO has been carrying out research into the breeding of poplar and willow for the production of high-quality industrial wood, biomass for bio-energy and recently also for second generation biofuels. As part of the reorientation of the INBO study to PAS/PPB, it was decided not to continue to use INBO funds for breeding. However, a phasing-out period of 10 years is foreseen, which should allow to valorise the scientific research of the last 15 years and to complete the selection process. The selection process (20 years) takes place in different phases: performing crossbreeds, selection at seedling level, selection at clone level in the trial farm and selection at pre-commercial level, in which candidate cultivars are planted and monitored at different sites. This project aims at the market introduction of different cultivars in the period 2020-2025, new crossbreeds will no longer be carried out.