De impact van Vlaanderen op de biodiversiteit in de wereld: op zoek naar indicatoren.

Katrijn Alaerts, Maarten Stevens, Maarten Christis

Research output: Book/ReportReports of Research Institute for Nature and Forestpeer-review

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The way we produce, consume and trade in Flanders also exerts great pressure on biodiversity beyond our regional borders. A policy that wants to account for Flanders' impact on global biodiversity needs data on the extent of that impact, sectors and countries involved. This report describes a first set of preliminary, experimental indicators to address that data need.
The results show that Flemish consumption and production patterns exceed Flanders' carrying capacity. The Flemish economy (entirety of our consumption and production for export) has a significant impact on biomass use, associated land use and potential species loss globally. That impact is much greater beyond our regional borders than in Flanders itself.
Original languageDutch
PublisherInstituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
Number of pages66
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameRapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek

Thematic List 2020

  • Nature & society

Thematic list

  • Nature indicators
  • Environment


  • sustainable development
  • indicators

Geographic list

  • World


  • modelling

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