Developing a list of invasive alien species likely to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems in the European Union

Helen Roy, Sven Bacher, Franz Essl, Tim Adriaens, David C. Aldridge, John D.D. Bishop, Tim M. Blackburn, Etienne Branquart, Juliet Brodie, Carles Carboneras, Elisabeth J. Cottier-Cook, Gordon H. Copp, Hannah J. Dean, Jørgen Eilenberg, Belinda Gallardo, Mariana Garcia, Emili García‐Berthou, Piero Genovesi, Philip E. Hulme, Marc KenisFrancis Kerckhof, Marianne Kettunen, Dan Minchin, Wolfgang Nentwig, Ana Nieto, Jan Pergl, Oliver L. Pescott, Jodey M. Peyton, Cristina Preda, Alain Roques, Steph L. Rorke, Riccardo Scalera, Stefan Schindler, Karsten Schönrogge, Jack Sewell, Wojciech Solarz, Alan J.A. Stewart, Elena Tricarico, Sonia Vanderhoeven, Gerard van der Velde, Montserrat Vilà, Christine A. Wood, Argyro Zenetos, Wolfgang Rabitsch

Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

14 Downloads (Pure)
Original languageEnglish
JournalGlobal Change Biology
Issue number1032–1048
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - Feb-2019

Thematic list

  • Invasive species (fauna management)
  • Invasive species (nature management)
  • Invasive species (management)
  • Invasive species (damage management)
  • Invasive species (species diversity)

EWI Biomedical sciences

  • B003-ecology
  • B004-botany
  • B005-zoology


  • species directed nature management
  • policy support (inc. instruments)
  • biodiversity policy
  • fauna management
  • nature policy

Geographic list

  • Europe

Free keywords

  • horizon scanning
  • invasive alien species
  • invasive species
  • non-native species
  • Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and human health on a Mediterranean island

    Peyton, J., Martinou, A. F., Pescott, O. L., Demetriou, M., Adriaens, T., Arianoutsou, M., Bazos, I., Bean, C. W., Booy, O., Botham, M., Britton, J. R., Lobon Cervia, J., Charilaou, P., Chartosia, N., Dean, H. J., Delipetrou, P., Dimitriou, A. C., Dorflinger, G., Fawcett, J. & Fyttis, G. & 34 others, Galanidis, A., Galil, B., Hadjikyriakou, T., Hadjistylli, M., Ieronymidou, C., Jimenez, C., Karachle, P., Kassinis, N., Kerametsidis, G., Kirschel, A. N. G., Kleitou, P., Kleitou, D., Manolaki, P., Michailidis, N., Mountford, J. O., Nikolaou, C., Papatheodoulou, A., Payiatas, G., Ribeiro, F., Rorke, S. L., Samuel, Y., Savvides, P., Schafer, S. M., Tarkan, A. S., Silva-Rocha, I., Top, N., Tricarico, E., Turvey, K., Tziortzis, I., Tzirkalli, E., Verreycken, H., Winfield, I. J., Zenetos, A. & Roy, H. E., Jun-2019, In: Biological Invasions. 21, 6, p. 2107-2125

    Research output: Contribution to journalA1: Web of Science-articlepeer-review

    Open Access
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  • Alien Pathogens on the Horizon: Opportunities for Predicting their Threat to Wildlife

    Roy, H. E., Hesketh, H., V. Purse, B., Eilenberg, J., Santini, A., Scalera, R., D. Stentiford, G., Adriaens, T., Bacela-Spychalska, K., Bass, D., M. Beckmann, K., Bessell, P., Bojko, J., Booy, O., Cristina Cardoso, A., Essl, F., Groom, Q., Harrower, C., Kleespies, R. & F. Martinou, A. & 20 others, M. van Oers, M., J. Peeler, E., Pergl, J., Rabitsch, W., Roques, A., Schaffner, F., Schindler, S., Schmidt, B. R., Schönrogge, K., Smith, J., Solarz, W., Stewart, A., Stroo, A., Tricarico, E., M.A. Turvey, K., Vannini, A., Vilà, M., Woodward, S., Amtoft Wynns, A. & M. Dunn, A., Jul-2017, In: Conservation Letters. 10, 4, p. 477-484

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