Focus op biogeochemie – deel 6. Natuurontwikkeling op landbouwgrond: herstelmaatregelen

Stephanie Schelfhout, An De Schrijver, Jan Mertens, Andreas Demey, Mario De Block, Cécile Herr, Pallieter De Smedt, Kris Verheyen

    Research output: Contribution to journalA2: Article in a journal with peer review, not included in A1peer-review

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    Previous papers in the series ‘Focus on biogeochemistry’ handled over
    causes for acidification and eutrophication and consequences for bio-
    diversity. It was concluded that in order to restore species-rich habitat-
    types, biogeochemical properties should be taken into account. Next to
    restoring the hydrology, nutrient removal is often at hand. In this pa-
    per, we focus on which nutrient depleting techniques nature managers
    can use for habitat restoration on ex-agricultural fields. It is not likely
    that mowing and removing nutrients with hay and P-mining are at-
    tainable measures to recreate nutrient-poor habitat types on intensively
    used agricultural fields. Topsoil removal, a more severe technique with
    risks for acidification, is recommended in those cases. Else, a change of
    targeted habitat-type is necessary. Phosphorus-mining is a technique
    to be used in fields where the nutrient stock to be removed is relatively
    small. A transition period from P-mining to mowing with hay removal
    would be optimal because with the latter technique also biotic restora-
    tion can start with, if necessary, reintroduction of species through hay
    transfer or seeding. Species-rich habitat-types should be primarily re-
    stored on fields that were not fertilized as severely.
    Original languageDutch
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)31-39
    Number of pages9
    Publication statusPublished - Mar-2014

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