Muntjak genetisch in kaart gebracht

Research output: Contribution to journalContribution to INBO Nieuwsbrief


Reeves's muntjac is a small, non-native deer species introduced to Europe by humans. At high densities, it causes extensive damage to forest vegetation.
INBO investigated the relationships between animals from Flanders, both captive and wild. By detecting variations in the genome and comparing between individuals, we were able to infer related groups and even familial relationships. The results show that the wild muntjacs do not originate from one introduction, but that there are genetically distinct groups.
European legislation prohibits breeding, exchange and release of muntjac. The INBO genetic reference database is now an important tool for enforcers, managers and scientists in further policy around this species.
Original languageDutch
NewsletterINBO Nieuwsbrief
Issue numberfebruari 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Thematic List 2020

  • Wildlife management
  • Invasive species

Taxonomic list

  • hoofed mammals (Ungulata)
  • deer (Cervidae)


  • invasive alien species regulation (EU)
  • fauna management

Geographic list

  • Flanders


  • genetic technologies

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