Rapport natuurverbondenheid: Een evaluatie van het vier-weken programma tot natuurverbondenheid

Research output: Book/ReportReports of Research Institute for Nature and Forest

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Nature connectedness is the extent to which individuals regard nature as part of their identity. Research showed that a high degree of nature connectedness has a positive impact on people's physical and mental well-being, as well as increasing support for nature conservation and nature-friendly behaviour.
We designed a four-week programme aimed at increasing participants' nature connectedness. The quantitative data indicate a rather limited positive impact of the programme on nature contact, nature connectedness, mental well-being and sustainable behaviour. The qualitative data obtained through open-ended questions, and interactions during the weekly meetings do indicate a greater positive impact in 18 of the 19 participants who remained from the initial 40.
The attractiveness of the programme scored very well.
Original languageDutch
PublisherInstituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
Number of pages49
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series

NameRapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek

Thematic List 2020

  • Nature & society

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