The integrated dynamic ecological expert model ECODYN was developed to evaluate restorationand climate scenarios along the Common Meuse. This model plays a crucial role to predict thepotential for habitat development and species presence at restored river ecosystem withchanged water dynamics. Data from the hydrodynamic model WAQUA and hydrological modeldata are applied in an integrated model to predict spatial distribution of habitats in a restoredriver ecosystem. River and groundwater dynamics are the main driver for ecotope differentiationalong the river, delineating the forest development in the riverbed. Succession and management(e.g. extensive grazing) further determine the spatial development potentials of vegetation in theCommon Meuse Valley. The ECODYN model output provides information on the potentialdistribution of Natura- 2000 habitats such as running water (3260), muddy banks (3270) andcalcareous pioneer grassland on sandy (6120) and stony substrate (6110). To predict floodplainhabitat development, two management options (grazing and autonomous development) wereincluded in the model, giving predictions on potentials of mesophile grasslands (6510), tall herbmeadows (6430 and 6210) and riparian forests (91E0 and 91F0). For the initial and actual Dutch -Belgian restoration plans of the River Meuse project different management scenarios werecompared and habitat potentials evaluated. Bottlenecks for flood control arising from theserestoration measures and nature management were revealed and alternative approachessuggested. The ECODYN model shows that the integration of hydromorphological, hydrologicaland ecological modelling provides a robust approach to evaluate and adjust restorationmeasures and nature management along the Common Meuse, and forms a strong base to selectand realise nature restoration projects needed to restore the natural river dynamics.Periode | 12-sep.-2023 |
Mate van erkenning | Internationaal |
Documenten en links
- MeuseSymposiumECODYNCommonMeuse2023_INBO_VanBraeckel
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