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  • 2024

    4. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

    Beenaerts, N., Casaer, J., Cools, N., Crevecoeur, L., De Saeger, S., Evens, R., Fajgenblat, M., Lambrechts, J., Lathouwers, M., Neyens, T., Roland, M., Soudzilovskaia, N. & Maes, D., 18-jan.-2024, Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen: Natuurrapport 2000-2020. Genk, blz. 222-245 24 blz. ( Bijdrage aan een rapport niet door INBO uitgegeven).

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  • Atmospheric Deposition in European Forests in 2022

    Marchetto, A., Haggemüller, K., Kirchner, T., Michel, A., Schmitz, A., Verstraeten, A. & Waldner, P., dec.-2024, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2024 Assessment. Michel, A., Haggenmüller, K., Kirchner, T., Prescher, A.-K., Schwärzel, K. & Wohlgemuth, L. (eds.). Eberswalde, blz. 26-34 9 blz.

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  • Forest condition and environmental drivers in Europe - Recent evidence from selected studies

    Ferretti, M., Vesterdal, L., Schaub, M., Schwärzel, K., Canullo, R., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Fleck, S., Gottardini, E., Hamberg, L., Verstraeten, A., Nieminen, T. M., Pitar, D., Potocic, N., Raspe, S., Rautio, P., Marchetto, A., Schmitz, A., Timmermann, V. & Ukonmaanaho, L. & 5 anderen, Vejpustková, M., Sanders, T., Waldner, P., Wohlgemuth, L. & Zimmermann, L., dec.-2024, Forest condition and environmental drivers in Europe - Recent evidence from selected studies. blz. 12-17 6 blz.

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  • National reports of countries participating in ICP Forests: Belgium Flanders

    Sioen, G., Verstraeten, A. & Roskams, P., dec.-2024, National reports of countries participating in ICP Forests: Belgium Flanders. blz. 59-60 2 blz.

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  • 2023

    Atmospheric Deposition in European Forests in 2021

    Marchetto, A., Hilgers, C., Kirchner, T., Michel, A., Schmitz, A., Verstraeten, A. & Waldner, P., dec.-2023, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2023 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). Michel, A., Kirchner, T., Prescher, A.-K. & Schwärzel, K. (eds.). blz. 24-31 9 blz.

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    446 Downloads (Pure)
  • Forest condition and environmental drivers in Europe - Recent evidence from selected studies

    Ferretti, M., Vesterdal, L., Shaub, M., Canullo, R., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Fleck, S., Gottardini, E., Hamberg, L., Marchetto, A., Nieminen, T. M., Pitar, D., Potocic, N., Raspe, S., Rautio, P., Sanders, T., Schmitz, A., Timmermann, V., Ukonmaanaho, L. & Vejpustková, M. & 3 anderen, Verstraeten, A., Waldner, P. & Zimmermann, L., dec.-2023, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2023 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). blz. 11-17 7 blz.

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    472 Downloads (Pure)
  • National reports of countries participating in ICP Forests: Belgium Flanders

    Sioen, G., Verstraeten, A. & Neirynck, J., dec.-2023, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2023 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention) 2023. blz. 65-66

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  • 2022

    Atmospheric deposition in European forests in 2020

    Marchetto, A., Waldner, P., Verstraeten, A., Zlindra, D. & Schmitz, A., jun.-2022, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2022 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). blz. 30-40

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    1297 Downloads (Pure)
  • Forest condition and environmental drivers in Europe: Recent evidence from selected studies

    Ferretti, M., Vesterdal, L., Canullo, R., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Fleck, S., Gottardini, E., Hamberg, L., Levanic, T., Marchetto, A., Nieminen, T. M., Pitar, D., Potocic, N., Rautio, P., Sanders, T. G. M., Timmermann, V., Ukonmaanaho, L., Verstraeten, A., Waldner, P. & Zlindra, D., jun.-2022, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2022 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). blz. 12-18

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    1361 Downloads (Pure)
  • National reports of countries participating in ICP Forests: Flanders Belgium

    Verstraeten, A., Sioen, G. & Roskams, P., jun.-2022, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2022 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). blz. 62-63

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    922 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2021

    Atmospheric deposition in European forests in 2019

    Marchetto, A., Waldner, P., Verstraeten, A. & Zlindra, D., nov.-2021, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2021 Assessment.: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention).. blz. 25-36 12 blz.

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  • Forest condition and environmental drivers in Europe: Recent findings and perspectives

    Ferretti, M., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Fleck, S., Gottardini, E., Levanic, T., Nieminen, T., Pitar, D., Potočić, N., Rautio, P., Sanders, T., Schaub, M., Timmermann, V., Ukonmaanaho, L., Verstraeten, A., Waldner, P. & Zlindra, D., nov.-2021, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2021 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). blz. 12-20 9 blz.

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  • Heavy metals in forest floor and topsoil of ICP Forest Level I plots

    Vertaalde titel van de bijdrage: Zware metalen in strooisellaag en toplaag van de bodem in ICP Forest plotsBommarez, T., Cools, N. & De Vos, B., 16-nov.-2021, Forest Condition in Europe : The 2021 Assessment: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). 2021 ed. Eberswalde, blz. 52-62 11 blz. (Forest Condition in Europe; vol. 2021).

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    1176 Downloads (Pure)
  • National reports of countries participating in ICP Forests: Belgium, Flanders

    Roskams, P. & Verstraeten, A., nov.-2021, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2021 Assessment.: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention).. blz. 65-66 2 blz.

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  • 2020

    Atmospheric deposition in European forests in 2018

    Marchetto, A., Waldner, P., Verstraeten, A. & Zlindra, D., 31-dec.-2020, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2020 Assessment. ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention).. blz. 20-32 13 blz.

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  • Criterion 2: Maintenance of Forest Ecosystem Health and Vitality: Indicator 2.1 Deposition and concentration of air pollutants

    Waldner, P., Verstraeten, A., Schmitz, A., Michel, A., Zlindra, D., Marchetto, A., Hansen, K., Pitar, D., Gottardini, E., Calatayud, V., Ferretti, M., Haeni, M., Schaub, M. & Kirchner, T., dec.-2020, FOREST EUROPE, 2020: State of Europe’s Forests 2020. blz. 53-62 10 blz.

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  • National reports of countries participating in ICP Forests. Belgium. Belgium/Flanders

    Roskams, P., Sioen, G. & Verstraeten, A., 31-dec.-2020, Forest Condition in Europe: The 2020 Assessment.: ICP Forests Technical Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). . Michel, A., Prescher, A.-K. & Schwärzel, K. (eds.). Eberswalde: Thünen Institute, blz. 54-84 98 blz.

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    1987 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2019

    Atmospheric deposition in European forests in 2017

    Marchetto, A., Waldner, P. & Verstraeten, A., 30-dec.-2019, Forest Condition in Europe: 2019 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). Michel, A., Prescher, A.-K. & Schwärzel, K. (eds.). blz. 26-35 10 blz.

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    1892 Downloads (Pure)
  • National reports of ICP Forests participating countries. Belgium. Belgium/Flanders

    Roskams, P., Sioen, G. & Verstraeten, A., 30-dec.-2019, Forest Condition in Europe: 2019 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). Michel, A., Prescher, A.-K. & Schwärzel, K. (eds.). blz. 61-92 31 blz.

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    1947 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2018

    Atmospheric deposition in European forests in 2016

    Marchetto, A., Waldner, P. & Verstraeten, A., 10-okt.-2018, Forest Condition in Europe: 2018 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Air Convention). BFW-Dokumentation 25/2018. Michel, A., Seidling, W. & Prescher, A.-K. (eds.). Vienna, blz. 22-31 10 blz.

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    2317 Downloads (Pure)
  • National reports of ICP Forests participating countries. Belgium. Belgium/Flanders

    Roskams, P., Sioen, G. & Verstraeten, A., 10-okt.-2018, Forest Condition in Europe: 2018 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). BFW-Dokumentation 25/2018. Michel, A., Seidling, W. & Prescher, A.-K. (eds.). Vienna, blz. 54-55 2 blz.

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  • 2017

    Forest soil acidification in Europe today

    Cools, N., Verstraeten, A., Weis, W., Carnicelli, S., Cecchini, G., Clarke, N., Graf Pannatier, E., Johnson, J., Jonard, M., Meesenburg, H., Nieminen, T. M., Pihl-Karlsson, G., Vanguelova, E., Sintermann, J., Vesterdal, L. & Hansen, K., jun.-2017, Forest Conditions: ICP Forests 2016 Executive Report. Seidling, W. & Michel, A. (eds.). Eberswalde, Duitsland, blz. 6-10

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    Open Access
    2042 Downloads (Pure)
  • National reports of ICP Forests participating countries. Belgium. Belgium/Flanders

    Roskams, P., Verstraeten, A. & Sioen, G., dec.-2017, Forest Condition in Europe. 2017 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). BFW-Dokumentation 24/2017. Michel, A. & Seidling, W. (eds.). Vienna, blz. 78-79 2 blz.

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  • Nitrogen in European forests - are settings changing?

    Vanguelova, E., Verstraeten, A., Benham, S., Cools, N., Hunová, I., Kurfürst, P. & Stráník, V., jun.-2017, Forest Conditions: ICP Forests 2016 Executive Report. Seidling, W. & Michel, A. (eds.). Eberswalde, Duitsland, blz. 11-14

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  • Spatial variation of atmospheric deposition in Europe in 2015

    Schmitz, A., Waldner, P., Verstraeten, A. & Hansen, K., dec.-2017, Forest Condition in Europe. 2017 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Report under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). BFW-Dokumentation 24/2017. Michel, A. & Seidling, W. (eds.). Vienna, blz. 26-38 13 blz.

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  • 2014

    A harmonised Level II soil database to understand processes and changes in forest condition at the European level

    Cools, N. & De Vos, B., 2014, Forest Condition in Europe: 2014 Technical Report of ICP Forests. blz. 72-89 19 blz. (BFW-Dokumentation ; vol. 2014, nr. 18).

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    1 Downloads (Pure)
  • 2012

    Exceedance of critical limits and their impact on tree nutrition

    Waldner, P., Thimonier, A., Graf pannatier, E., Marchetto, A., Ferretti, M., Calderisi, M., Rautio, P., Derome, K., Nieminen, T., Nevalainen, S., Lindroos, A.-J., Merilä, P., Kindermann, G., Dobbertin, M., Neumann, M., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Roskams, P., Hansen, K. & Dietrich, H.-P. & 11 anderen, Fischer, R., Granke, O., Lorenz, M., Meining, S., Nagel, H.-D., Simoncic, P., von Wilpert, K., Verstraeten, A., Scheuschner, T., Ingerslev, M. & Raspe, S., 2012, Forest Condition in Europe. 2012 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Work report of the Thünen Institute for World Forestry 2012/1. Lorenz, M. & Becher, G. (eds.). blz. 77-91 15 blz.

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    2 Downloads (Pure)
  • Sulphate and nitrogen deposition and trend analyses

    Waldner, P., Thimonier, A., Schmitt, M., Marchetto, A., Rogora, M., Granke, O., Mues, V., Hansen, K., Pihl-Karlsson, G., Zlindra, D., Clarke, N., Verstraeten, A., Lazdins, A., Schimming, C., Iacoban, C., Lindroos, A.-J., Vanguelova, E., Benham, S., Meesenburg, H. & Nicolas, M. & 14 anderen, Kowalska, A., Apuhtin, V., Nappa, U., Lachmanová, Z., Neumann, M., Bleeker, A., Ingerslev, M., Molina, J., Vesterdal, L., Seidling, W., Fischer, U., Jonard, M., Fischer, R. & Lorenz, M., 2012, Forest Condition in Europe. 2012 Technical Report of ICP Forests. Work report of the Thünen Institute for World Forestry 2012/1. Hamburg, Institute of World Forestry.. Lorenz, M. & Becher, G. (eds.). blz. 60-76 17 blz.

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  • 2009


    Maes, F., Overloop, S., Gobin, A., de Kok, J.-L., Engelen, G., Uljee, I., Van Esch, L., Hens, M., Peymen, J., Van Daele, T. & Van Reeth, W., 2009, Milieuverkenning 2030: Milieurapport Vlaanderen. Van Steertegem, M. (ed.). 21 blz.

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