Geen foto van Caroline Geeraerts
  • Gaverstraat 4

    9500 Geraardsbergen



Onderzoekoutput per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


Caroline Geeraerts is a scientist at the Research Institute for Nature and Forest. She has expertise in various research topics, ranging from fish biology (fish stock assessment, fish migration), ecotoxicology, policy support of monitoring networks to conservation genetics. At the moment she is a member of the team Nature & Society, an interdisciplinary research team that focuses on nature and society interaction. As part of the Nature and Society research group, she focuses on socio-ecological systems and decision science to find answers for complex issues around wildlife management and human-wildlife coexistence.

Thematische Lijst

  • Soortenbeheerplan
  • Kaderrichtlijn Water
  • Vismigratie
  • Vismeetnetwerk
  • Natuurindicatoren
  • Conflictsoorten
  • Gezondheid
  • Jacht (sectoren)
  • Landbouw
  • Vissen

Taxonomische Lijst

  • adders (Viperidae)
  • vissen (Pisces)
  • everzwijn (Sus scrofa)
  • wildsoorten


  • beleidsgerichte meetnetten
  • Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW)
  • rapportering


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  • 1 Vergelijkbare profielen

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