Foto van Dieter Mortelmans
  • Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88 bus 73

    1000 Brussel



Onderzoekoutput per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


His research is centered on the added-value and integration of biodiversity and ecosystem services into policy processes and instruments in rural and peri-urban contexts. More specifically he is working on policy coherence and integrated planning processes, science-policy-society interactions, participatory processes (co-creation), Payment for Ecosystem Serices (PES), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA), Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and contracts for agri-environental measures.
In the past he has been working in South-East Asia (Malaysia and Indonesia) on aquaculture certification, developing recommendations for traceability within traditional markets.

Opleiding/academische kwalificatie

Bos en Natuurbeleid, Master

Toekenningsdatum: 10-dec.-2009


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