A manual for the management of vertebrate invasive alien species of Union concern, incorporating animal welfare. 1st Edition. Technical report prepared for the European Commission within the framework of the contract no. 07.027746/2019/812504/SER/ENV.D.2.

Kevin G Smith, Ana L Nunes, J Aegerter, SE Baker, Ilaria Di Silvestre, CC Ferreira, M Griffith, Julie Lane, A Muir, S Binding, M Broadway, Peter A Robertson, Riccardo Scalera, Tim Adriaens, P-A Åhlén, A Aliaga, Kristof Baert, DE Bakaloudis, Sandro Bertolino, L BriggsEmma Cartuyvels, F Dahl, Bram D'hondt, M Eckert, Friederike Gethöffer, E Gojdičová, Frank Huysentruyt, D Jelić, A Lešová, M Lužnik, L Moreno, G Nagy, L Poledník, Cristina Preda, J Skorupski, D Telnov, T Trichkova, Hugo Verreycken, M Vucić

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1313 Downloads (Pure)
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
Aantal pagina’s128
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - okt.-2022

Thematische Lijst 2020

  • Invasieve soorten
  • Faunabeheer

Geografische lijst

  • Europa

Vrije trefwoorden

  • dierenwelzijn
  • invasive species
  • IAS management
  • IAS Regulation

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