The taxonomic composition of the Bidessini of Belize is reviewed based on literature and material collected by the authors during a field survey in 2015. During the field survey a total 683 specimens of Bidessini were collected belonging to nine species of which six species are reported for the first time from Belize: Anodocheilus francescae Young, 1974, Anodocheilus guatemalensis (Zaitzev, 1910), Bidessodes elongatus (Sharp, 1882), Neobidessus obtusoides Young, 1977, Neobidessus persimilis (Régimbart, 1895) and Uvarus spretus (Sharp, 1882). A total of 11 species of Bidessini is now known from Belize. The new records are listed and distribution maps and notes on the ecology are provided for all species.
Oorspronkelijke taal | Engels |
Tijdschrift | Belgian journal of entomology |
Volume | 125 |
Pagina's (van-tot) | 1-15 |
Aantal pagina’s | 15 |
Publicatiestatus | Gepubliceerd - jan.-2022 |
Thematische Lijst 2020
- Water
Thematische lijst
- Soorten en biotopen
Taxonomische lijst
- waterkevers (Hydrophilidae)
- kevers (Coleoptera)
Geografische lijst
- Neotropische rijk
- Nieuwe Wereld (Noord-, Centraal- en Zuid-Amerika)
- identificatie
- veldwerk (observatie en staalname)
Vrije trefwoorden
- Hydradephaga
- water beetles
- Dytiscidae
- Bidessini