Belgium on the lookout for exotic mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae)

Isra Deblauwe, Katrien De Wolf, Nathalie Smitz, Jacobus De Witte, Adwine Vanslembrouck, Wouter Dekoninck, Kenny Meganck, Sophie Gombeer, Yoo Ree Van Bourgonie, Thierry Backeljau, Marc De Meyer, Wim Van Bortel, Marc Pollet

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureCongres abstract in abstractproceedingspeer review

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Based on the current spread of exotic mosquito species (EMS) in Europe, the
number of interceptions in Belgium and suitability models developed for Aedes
albopictus (Skuse) in Europe, EMS are likely to establish and spread in Belgium.
A prerequisite for their control is their early detection. Therefore, the Belgian
federal authorities and the federated entities funded a 3-year active monitoring
project (MEMO) (July 2017–June 2020). The aims are early detection of EMS in
Belgium, quantifying locally established EMS populations, evaluating the EMS
import risk at possible points of entry (PoE), expand reference collections and
make recommendations for a future, long-term, cost-effective EMS monitoring
plan in Belgium. Monitoring activities are implemented at 23 PoE using adult
trapping with CO2 and lure traps, egg sampling with oviposition traps and larval
sampling with dipping nets. DNA barcoding is used to validate morphological
identifi cations and to expand the DNA reference database. Specimens are also
added to the morphological reference collection at Royal Belgian Institute of
Natural Sciences. Since July 2017, four EMS were intercepted. The colonised
area of Ae. koreicus (Edwards) in Belgium increased from 7 to 113 km2. Aedes
japonicus (Theobald) was detected again in southern Belgium, from where it
was thought to be eliminated. This species has now also been collected on the
border with Germany. Anopheles pharoensis (Theobald) entered Belgium via
cargo transport. Aedes albopictus was intercepted at four PoE. To conclude,
EMS are effectively entering and spreading in Belgium and appropriate control
management strategies on the national level are urgently required.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
TitelKirk-Spriggs, A.H. & Muller, B.S., eds, Abstracts volume. 9th International Congress of Dipterology, 25–30 November 2018, Windhoek, Namibia. International Congresses of Dipterology
Plaats productieWindhoek
ISBN van geprinte versie978-1-86847-181-2
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2018
Evenement9th International Congress of Dipterology (IDC9) - Windhoek (Namibia), Windhoek, Namibië
Duur: 25-nov.-201830-nov.-2018

Thematische lijst

  • Insecten
  • Exoten (soortenbeleid)

EWI Biomedische wetenschappen

  • B320-taxonomie-van-dieren
  • B320-zo�geografie
  • B280-dierenecologie

Taxonomische lijst

  • vliegen (Diptera)

Geografische lijst

  • België


  • genetische technieken
  • identificatie

Vrije trefwoorden

  • Aedes
  • Culicidae
  • invasion
  • Mosquitoes
  • surveillance

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