Data Management Plan voor MBAG Module - Bodembiodiversiteit monitoring via eDNA

Onderzoeksoutput: Andere bijdrageData Management Plannen

3 Downloads (Pure)


Within the soil biodiversity module of the MBAG project, there are diverse data streams generating a large amount of data which
needs to be organised. These datasets can be summarised as:
Results (and the analysis) of eDNA metabarcoding;
Abiotic data describing the sampling locations;
Other details/data from related projects (e.g. cmon, SoilBon), databases (e.g. the Flemish underground database (DOV)) and
partners (e.g. ILVO, Departement Omgeving).
This DMP will cover as much data from this project as possible, as well as eventual plans/possibilities for publishing the data in
line with the FAIR principles and the Belgian and INBO Open Data/Open Access Policies.
This DMP will be updated where necessary in the future. Responsibility for this task rests with Io Deflem. It is expected that there
will be no more than two updates per year. The DMP will be available via PURE.
This is version 1 of the DMP (date: 14/11/2024).
Vertaalde titel van de bijdrageData Management Plan for MBAG Module - Soil Biodiversity monitoring via eDNA
Oorspronkelijke taalNederlands
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 14-nov.-2024

Taxonomische lijst

  • regenwormen (Lumbricidae)
  • regenwormen (Oligochaeta)
  • paddenstoelen (Fungi)
  • schimmels en zwammen (Fungi)


  • biodiversiteitsbeleid
  • biologische waarderingskaart (BWK)
  • ecosysteemdiensten
  • bos- en landbouwbeleid
  • beleidsgerichte meetnetten
  • bodembescherming

Geografische lijst

  • Atlantische regio (incl. Vlaanderen)
  • Continentale regio (incl. Vlaanderen)
  • Vlaanderen


  • experimental design
  • veldwerk (observatie en staalname)
  • veldwerk (aanleg terreinen)
  • genetische technieken
  • laboratoriumanalyse


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