INTERLACE Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

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Stakeholder engagement is a central element of the INTERLACE project as it aims to co-produce tools, governance instruments and other project deliverables with local stakeholders, as well as facilitate knowledge exchange between local, regional and global stakeholders, to inform and support the restoration and rehabilitation of (peri)urban ecosystems through Nature-based Solutions. The purpose of the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (SES) is to give both theoretical and practical guidance to facilitate sustainable engagement of stakeholders in the INTERLACE project. In the first place, this guidance is meant for all INTERLACE partners who are involved with stakeholder engagement. Secondly, this guidance can be used by anyone who is involved with stakeholder engagement in urban Nature-based Solutions projects. This guidance integrates an agile workflow and contains a logical step-to-step approach to create a tailored plan for engagement activities.
Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
Aantal pagina’s67
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2023

Thematische Lijst 2020

  • Natuur & maatschappij


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