Native drivers of fish life history traits are lost during the invasion process

Rodolphe Elie Gozlan, Eva Záhorská, Emira Cherif, Takashi Asaeda, John Robert Britton, Cha-Ho Chang, To Hong, Rafael Miranda, Jiří Musil, Meta Povz, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Elena Tricarico, Teodora Trichkova, Hugo Verreycken, Andrej Weiperth, Andrej Witkowski, Lluis Zamora, Irene Zweimueller, Yahui Zhao, Hamid Reza EsmaeiliMarine Combe

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftA1: Web of Science-artikelpeer review

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Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Agricultural and Biological Sciences