Severe alopecia in several roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) due to demodicosis in Belgium

H De Bosschere, Jim Casaer, Axel Neukermans, Kristof Baert, T Ceulemans, P Tavernier, S Roels

    Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftA1: Web of Science-artikelpeer review

    44 Downloads (Pure)


    Demodex mites are part of the normal fauna of hair follicles of many, if not all, healthy mammal species. Normally these parasites live in harmony with its host. However, under states of putative immunosuppression these acarids undergo excessive proliferation and cause clinical disease, either localized or generalized. This paper describes four cases of Demodicosis in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) with localized to generalized alopecia.
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    TijdschriftThe veterinary journal
    Pagina's (van-tot)665-668
    Aantal pagina’s4
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 2007

    Thematische lijst

    • Soortenbeleid

    EWI Biomedische wetenschappen

    • B750-diergeneeskunde

    Taxonomische lijst

    • herten (Cervidae)


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