Some dragonfly records from Albania, with Cordulegaster heros and Somatochlora metallica new for the country: (Odonata: Cordulegastridae, Corduliidae)

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    A total of 13 Odonata species were recorded during a short visit to Albania. Two species,
    Cordulegaster heros and Somatochlora metallica, are recorded for the first time for this
    country. One male of C. heros was observed on 21-vii-2015 on a small stream before ending
    up in the Mati River south of Klos. Somatochlora metallica was found on 24-vii-2015 at
    the glacial lake Buni Jezerce in the Prokletije Mountains in northern Albania, nearly at the
    border with Montenegro
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    Pagina's (van-tot)181-185
    Aantal pagina’s6
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 15-dec.-2015

    Thematische Lijst 2020

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    EWI Biomedische wetenschappen

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    • libellen (Odonata)

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