The Genus Enlinia Aldrich in Chile (Diptera Dolichopodidae), with the Description of Four New Species

J B Runyon, M Pollet

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftA1: Web of Science-artikelpeer review

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Four new species of Enlinia Aldrich are described from Chile: Enlinia biobio n. sp., Enlinia chilensis n. sp., Enlinia enormis n. sp., and Enlinia isoloba n. sp. These specimens were collected during a 2013 invertebrate survey in sclerophyll and Valdivian temperate rain forest habitats of the central and southern Chilean Andes. The only other species of Enlinia recorded from Chile is E. atrata (Van Duzee). Photos of holotypes and type localities and a key to the five species known to occur in Chile are provided.

Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
Pagina's (van-tot)604-613
PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - 1-aug.-2019

Taxonomische lijst

  • insecten (Insecta)
  • vliegen (Diptera)
  • slankpootvliegen (Dolichopodidae)


  • biodiversiteitsbeleid

Geografische lijst

  • Neotropische rijk
  • Nieuwe Wereld (Noord-, Centraal- en Zuid-Amerika)


  • identificatie


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