Tree mineral nutrition is deteriorating in Europe

Mathieu Jonard, Alfred Fürst, Arne Verstraeten, Anne Thimonier, Volkmar Timmermann, Nenad Potocic, Peter Waldner, Sue Benham, Karin Hansen, Päivi Merilä, Quentin Ponette, Ana C De La Cruz, Peter Roskams, Manuel Nicolas, Luc Croisé, Morten Ingerslev, Giorgio Matteucci, Bruno Decinti, Marco Bascietto, Pasi Rautio

    Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftA1: Web of Science-artikelpeer review

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    The response of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 is constrained by nutrient availability. It is thus crucial to account for nutrient limitation when studying the forest response to climate change. The objectives of this study were to describe the nutritional status of the main European tree species, to identify growth limiting nutrients and to assess changes in tree nutrition during the past two decades. We analysed the foliar nutrition data collected during 1992-2009 on the intensive forest monitoring plots of the ICP Forests programme. Of the 22 significant temporal trends that were observed in foliar nutrient concentrations, 20 were decreasing and 2 were increasing. Some of these trends were alarming, amongst which the foliar P concentration in F. sylvatica, Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris that significantly deteriorated during the 1992-2009. In Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris, the decrease in foliar P concentration was more pronounced on plots with low foliar P status, meaning that trees with latent P deficiency could become deficient in the near future. Increased tree productivity, possibly resulting from high N deposition and from the global increase in atmospheric CO2, has led to higher nutrient demand by trees. As the soil nutrient supply was not always sufficient to meet the demands of faster growing trees, this could partly explain the deterioration of tree mineral nutrition. The results suggest that when evaluating forest carbon storage capacity and when planning to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing use of wood biomass for bioenergy, it is crucial that nutrient limitations for forest growth are considered.
    Oorspronkelijke taalEngels
    TijdschriftGlobal Change Biology
    Pagina's (van-tot)418-430
    Aantal pagina’s13
    PublicatiestatusGepubliceerd - jan.-2015

    Taxonomische lijst

    • beukenfamilie (Fagaceae)
    • dennenfamilie (Pinaceae)


    • beleid inzake emissies van luchtpolluenten
    • klimaatbeleid (incl. biomassa-energie en koolstofopslag)

    Geografische lijst

    • Europa

    Vrije trefwoorden

    • achteruitgang


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